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Return of the Rosier Siblings


You could say all the studying paid off for all of us. Only Peter was nervous about his results, but he worries about everything. I comforted him and told him it would all be okay. He trusted me and so he believed me.

I spent the last hours of my sixth year of Hogwarts packing up my side of the dorm. Lyra kept conversation with me, while Belle didn't utter a word to us. She disappeared with Barty, Sterling, and Snape. We knew the path she had taken and we were hurt. We felt backstabbed.

Belle took her luggage to the common room and slammed the door behind her. Lyra rolled her eyes, before she turned to me. "I have to ask. Who are going home with? Mum and Dad are open to having you at the Manor and I'm sure you don't want to stay at the Potters."

My thoughts went straight to Evan. Him returning home to our parents all alone. No one there to protect him. The Christmas holiday was different. He never went home as he stayed with Narcissa. Now, he has to go home.

"I think I'm going to go home with Evan, confront my parents and get Evan and I out of that terrible house. I can't bear the thought of him going there alone. I can't leave him." I spoke to Lyra, while still making the plan in my head.

Lyra nodded. "I'm not going to try to change your mind. You are old enough to make your own choices, but all I do ask is for you to be careful. You are now stronger than your mother. Use that power to overcome her. Get Evan and you out of there. For forever."

I closed the top of my trunk and pulled Lyra into a hug. "You be safe, yourself. There is no telling what they will do this summer. Keep me updated if you find out anything."

"I promise." Lyra spoke softly.

We grabbed our trunks and headed down to the common room. There sat all of the boys and Belle. There was a silence that spoke louder than any argument we ever had. It was never spoken of about who were the deatheaters, but it wasn't hard to tell. Barty couldn't even look at Regulus.

I looked at Evan and Regulus with a nod towards the common room door. They excused themselves from their conversation with Sterling and followed me out of the common room. "Dumbledore wants us to report our protrounus to him. Everyone of our age has completed their first task."

Evan knocked on the professors door and entered in the password. Inside of the office stood the Marauders, Marlene, Dorcas, and Lily. Regulus let out a comment about us being late, but Evan stepped on his foot to make him be quiet.

Dumbledore greeted us with a nod and begun to speak. "Alright when I call your name, I will call out your patronus that is listed on the parchment I made you sign yesterday. Just want to make sure everyone's is right that way we can start communicating through them."

As the professor unrolled the parchment, I couldn't help, but feel a little pride. I helped all of them get to this point. I helped them. "Regulus Black: Raven. Sirius Black: Dog. Lily Evans: Owl. Remus Lupin: Wolf. Dorcas Meadowes: Cat. Marlene Mckinnon: Cat. Peter Pettigrew: Rat. James Potter: Stag. Evan Rosier: Vulture. Jordan-Ella Rosier: Crow."

There were no objections, but some glances exchanged. It was clear that James and Lily didn't match as they did the first time they casted their patronus. Even after their break up, they matched, but after Lily and Evan studied together, it changed. Lily was now a bird as was Evan.

There was only one perfect match that no one could deny in the group. Dorcas and Marlene shared the perfect patronus match. The smile on their faces said all that was needed to be said. They both found the one within each other. They were perfect together.

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