Final Act

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Third Person

Death is not an easy thing to handle. Not when there was two deaths at the same time. Not when there was marriage and children involved. Not when the death was of the love of your life.

Jordan Potter felt like nothing without James. She was surrounded by love and comfort, but she did not have James. Her James.

Her light.
Her smile.
Her best friend.

Regulus Black felt empty without Evan. He could not remember a time without Evan, so living without him seemed almost impossible. His best friend was dead. His lover was gone and never returning.

All the light seemed to be sucked out of Jordan and Regulus' life. The only thing that kept them alive was their children. They knew they had to be strong for them, so the light would not be sucked out of their little lives.

Almost six months after James and Evan died, there was a little light over the rainbow. Lily and Marlene decided to get married and Remus finally gave Sirius another chance. Both couples were living happily together enjoying the life of being aunts and uncles.

At Lily's 22nd birthday dinner, Harry was running around the Rosier Manor and he fell. As any one and a-half-year-old would do he cried, but during his crying he did not ask for his mother, but instead his father. It stunned Regulus when he saw Harry look directly at him and say the one word he feared him saying.

Jordan froze and watched as her son begged for Regulus and called for him, but did not use his name. Regulus had two choices: be scared or be the father this kid needed. He decided to be the father he needed and picked Harry up and checked for any bruising from his fall.

Later that night, Jordan apologized repeatedly for the word Harry used, but Regulus informed her that he was fine with it. "I am not James, but I will raise and claim Harry as if he is my own flesh and blood. He and Estella are my kids and I am their father, but that does not mean I will let either of them forget their other fathers."

A few months later, on Jordan's 22nd birthday, Regulus surprised her with a morning without the kids. Lily and Marlene happily took the kids for the rest of the day and even throughout the night. That was when the confession came.

Earlier that morning before Jordan woke up, Regulus visited James' grave. "Mate, I think if you are watching this from above, you are probably cursing me. I will not lie, I fell for your wife when you were still here, but I was in love with Evan and never planned on leaving him. As time has passed and the more time I am spending with Jordan, I've realized that I want to be more to her than her co-parent. Merlin, I even allowed Estella to have your last name."

Regulus chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I am in love with Jordan. I hate myself for it, but I hope that if there is anyone you would allow your wife to be with, it would be me. I promise to take care of her and be everything you are unable to be for her. I promise, James."

He turned to Evan's grave that was beside James'. "I promise to never forget you either, my love. I tell Estella about you everyday."

Now, here was Regulus Black standing beside Jordan Potter as she watched the stars. Jordan felt Regulus' eyes on her, so she turned to him and raised her brow, but was shocked when she was met with a kiss.

Regulus kissed her one time, but made sure it was long and passionate. He pulled back and searched for some sort of emotion in Jordan's face. "Tell me I shouldn't have done that."

Jordan softly smiled. "I say do it again."

The rest of Jordan's birthday was filled with kisses from Regulus and finally allowing herself to be close and touched by him. She felt guilt that she was kissing someone who was not only her husband, but also her brother's husband. But she knew James and Evan would want them to be happy.

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