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A Day Full of Gryffindors


Taking your owls test is very important, but if you haven't studied until the month of May, it just becomes a burden. It's a bigger burden when Lily and James break up, making the whole study group spilt up into pairs or trios. It's a huge burden when Sirius Black is in charge of making the groups.

"James and Miss Jordan-Ella, Regulus and Remus, Evan and Lily, Marlene and Dorcas, Lyra and Belle, and Peter and I together." Sirius smiled as he read off his parchment. "Any objections? No? Okay, find your partner!"

I grabbed Sirius by the ear. "I'm going to kill you, Sirius. Why did you think it was a good idea to put James and I together? Moreless Evan and Lily together? Are you trying to cause drama?" I whispered-yelled.

Sirius took my hand off of his ear. "I am simply trying to solve the tension in the room. The only way we wil all be friendly is working together. Belle isn't the most trust worthy considering her brother and her still being around Barty. I thought Lyra being with her will make her see what she's missing out on. Besides, I'm helping your brother get his girl!"

Shaking my head, I started to walk away. "If this will explodes, it will be on you and only you."

Walking towards James as he sat by the window in the library, I took a deep breath and prepared myself. James turned to me when he saw me sit down beside him with my materials. He didn't say a word, but started to get his things out.

"James, are you going to be okay with this? If it's a problem, we can just silently study by ourselves." I offered.

"Silence makes the tension worse. You know that, Jo-Ella." James said while opening his transfiguration book. "We took all the same classes this year, so why don't we go in order of our schedule? Start with transfiguration and end with Defense Against the Dark Arts."

I nodded with a small smile. "I like that idea. We can quiz each other using the questions in the back of our books. Ten at a time? After one of us do ten, then we switch?"

James agreed and we started to study. Every once and a while, I could see Lily looking over at us, followed by Sirius looking at us as well. James and I both knew we were being watched, but that didn't change how we acted. We would ask each other the questions, then switch subjects.

No jokes were made. A laugh about mispronouncing something would come out every once in a while, but we weren't going to give Sirius or anyone else what they wanted. We wouldn't give it to them, because it wouldn't happen.

After our study time was cut off, James packed his things, gave me a quick nod, and left with Remus and Peter. I saw Evan and Lily exchange a goodbye, then they both left. Regulus walked out with Evan after giving Sirius a quick hug.

Sirius walked over towards me. "You both passed the test. Nothing happened. You acted as if you were fine." I rolled my eyes and shoved past Sirius. He got ahold of my wrist and pulled me close to him. "Walk with me, Ella."

I let go of my annoyance and allowed Sirius to wrapped his arm around me as we walked out of the library. "James, told me what happened back in April when you had your talk with him, then I saw his face when he realized you left with Remus that night after training."

"I didn't leave to go shag him if that's what he thinks. It was a Thursday and that's when we meet up to drink at the Astronomy Tower. Remus was the first one of you four that I got close with. Nothing will change that. He stood up for me as well when you hated me." I replied to Sirius.

Letting out a sigh, Sirius slowed down as we walked. "I know when and why you two meet up. James does too, but what I'm trying to say is James' face showed peace. He was at peace with the whole situation. He told Lily the truth in front of all of us. He told her that he loved you both and it wasn't fair to either of you. Then he opened up to me about how he felt when we hugged. He's finding peace in finally sharing his feelings. He's growing up."

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