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New Year's Curses


The pureblood ball was on Christmas Eve. The next day, the Rosier siblings finally met their grandmother and Jordan met James' parents. A week later on New Year's eve, the Order had a meeting. There were three empty seats at that meeting. Their brilliant ideas and humorous jokes were missed. They were missed.

On New Year's day, the Order went out on a mission. Almost everyone was sent on a last minute fight with deatheaters trying to kill a family where the mother was a muggle-born. It was that same day that while Peter Pettigrew was hiding behind a tree, praying to Merlin that Barty Crouch Jr. wouldn't kill him, that he sent his patronus to the Rosier Manor in Britain hoping that they would soon show up.

The Rosier siblings and Regulus Black were enjoying a nice chat by the fire when the patronus of a rat entered the living room. "Please, help us! It's deatheaters! Your friends! Please, they are trying to kill us and another family! We are getting destroyed! We are in the town below your home!"

Jordan-Ella shared a look with her brothers and they all grabbed their wands, before they apparated to the town. Once they arrived, they pulled their hoods over their heads and staked out in the trees watching the duels happening before them. The three of them couldn't help, but smile seeing that their training had paid off. Even when hit with the worst hexes, all the Order members stood tall and unbreakable.

The world seemed to stop after that. Evan Rosier was channeling the electricity power he had newly discovered within himself and was ready to send it towards the middle of the ground. He didn't want to hit anyone. Just distract the deatheaters, so the Order could get away.

Jordan-Ella and Regulus went around him getting ready to clear the area and get everyone out of there, but as they began to lose sight of Evan, they froze. They exchanged a quick look with each other, then turned towards the view of the grounds trying to find him.

They were too late when they laid eyes upon him. His hood was down and he had revealed himself. The Order looked relieved and even the teenage deatheaters looked happy to see him. They could finally stop fighting. All of their faces dropped when a flash hit Evan in the back and he fell to the ground.

Alastor Moody was the one behind the flash that hit Evan. Jordan-Ella screamed and ran towards her brother. Out of anger, she sent a ball of fire towards Alastor, which he dodged. Barty, Sterling, Snape, and Belle stood still waiting to see if Evan was still alive.

Regulus joined Jordan-Ella on his knees and checked for Evan's pulse. He was alive, but it was clear that he was badly injured. James and Sirius pulled back Jordan and Regulus, to allow Dumbledore to carry Evan and apparate him to St.Mungos. Alastor stood there almost in disbelief that he could have killed a kid.

Through tears and jerking against James' hold, Jordan-Ella locked eyes with Remus. He walked over and took over holding Jordan. She buried her face into his chest as she screamed. "We have to go find him. Remus, someone needs to let Andromeda know what happened. I-" 

Remus held Jordan-Ella tighter as she cried. "We will go find him right now. James and Sirius will go alert Andromeda. Lily will come as well. I'm sure she will want to make sure he is okay."

Regulus stopped pulling against his brother when those words slipped out of Remus' mouth. "Why would she care anymore than the rest of you? He's nothing special to her! They broke up!"

Sirius exchanged a look with Remus, which caused Regulus to look back and forth between the both of them. Sirius pulled his younger, but bigger, brother back into his arms. "Lily never mentioned that she stopped seeing Evan. They were together in secret right before the holidays."

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