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The start of losses


Remus Lupin would always be grateful that Fleamont Potter gave him a key to Potter Manor when he was twelve years old. He was given the key because Fleamont always wanted the young boy to have a safe place to rest after the full moon during the summer. Now, Remus Lupin would use the key to his advantage.

Even when married, Jordan and Remus met every Thursday to drink and smoke whatever Remus could lay his hands on. James went to bed quite early for Jordan, so she would always escape his grasp and watch the stars from the room where the newly added indoor pool was. It was the perfect spot to watch the stars and feel connected to them.

"I only have one bottle of firewhiskey with me, so that means if you're going to spill your guts to me, you must do so almost sober." Remus called out as she approached Jordan in the pool room.

Jordan did not turn around when she heard Remus, but waited for him to sit down beside her to reply. "I think I can do that, but there is not too much to share with you, Remus. James is very adamant on starting a family soon because he's afraid of dying, Evan and Regulus graduate next week, and they want to wait awhile before they actually marry-" Jordan turned to Remus. He had a very complex look on his face. "What is wrong, Moons?"

Remus opened the bottle of firewhiskey and took the first sip. It would take all the courage inside of him to approach Jordan-Ella about the subject on his mind. "James and you have been married for almost a year and he has spoken about your marriage to the three of us. He sometimes goes into too much detail about what the two of you do. I am a very observant person, Jordan."

"What are you playing at, Remus." Jordan asked, trying to hide the nerves in her voice.

"Sirius and I have tried to shag, but it never gets that far." Remus stated. "But I have seen him with his shirt off and I have seen this new burn mark on his body. It resembles the one James has described to us that you have. So, I started thinking about it and Sirius did not have that mark before your wedding, but when I saw him getting ready that day, he had it. James said he noticed your mark the night of your wedding and he said he knew you did not have it before."

Remus leaned closer to Jordan with his hands folded. "Would you care to explain why Sirius and you have matching burn marks and got them on the same night? It does not bother me because Sirius and I are not together, but I just need to know if the two of you shagged the night before you promised your life to James."

"We did not shag." Jordan spoke softly. "I was alone and Sirius was alone. He came to Rosier Manor and we argued, he confessed his love to me again, and it ended before it got too far. I would not say that I felt toward Sirius, so I showed him. I burned for him and he burned for me. Fiery passion." 

"Then you promised your life to James less than twelve hours later." Remus snapped. "I love you, Jordan-Ella, but if you were willing to burn Sirius, then you are not over him. There is still some part of you that burns for him and craves him." Remus could see in Jordan's eyes that it was not the first time someone has brought up the subject with her. "Did you at least mean everything you said to James?"

Jordan snapped her eyes to meet Remus' "Of course I did. I woke up that morning feeling unsure, but when I touched his hand I knew that I was making the right choice. No one could love me more than James does. If I did not mean what I said to him, I would not have married him."

The two stared at each other, until Jordan broke eye-contact and took the firewhiskey away from Remus, so she could have a drink. She had pushed that memory of Sirius and her to the back of her mind and fought with herself everyday to think about. "I am happy with James. I know I made the right choice because if I would have picked Sirius, he would have found some way to still be connected to you."

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