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The Morning After

Third Person

James awoke with Blonde hair in his face. He had hoped his actions from last night were because of drinking too much firewhiskey, but he was completely sober. He made that choice. They both did.

Jordan rolled to the other side of the bed, allowing James to get up. He went to the bathroom and kept splashing water all over his face. He was just glad his parents were out of town for a few days and Sirius wouldn't be back, until tomorrow.

He exited the room quietly and went to down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of them. He froze when he saw Sirius at the stove cooking pancakes. It was Sunday. Not Monday. Why is he back here?

Sirius smirked when his eyes met James'. "Good morning, lover boy. I can see Jordan left quiet the mark on you. The scratches on your back say everything. Tell me, how do you plan to explain this to Lily? Will you tell Lily? Poor Lily."

"You're a git, you know that? We didn't discuss anything last night, clearly. It was you who gave her my house address. She ran away and came here, until she can make a plan. Anything that happened after we talked doesn't have a explanation, yet." James started to argue.

Sirius took the pancakes he had cooked and placed them on three plates. "Quiet down, lover boy! I'm just trying to get the story straight because right now, it's as straight as Marlene. I don't care about how she got here. I want to know why you shagged her."

James had nothing to say. He didn't know why he shagged her. "I have no idea, Sirius. I mean you can't deny that she's beautiful and after seeing every inch of her, I will never be able to deny it. There is something about her that's different. She's not throwing herself at me, but she was never rude or rejected me like Lily has. She's been normal towards me."

"When did the attraction towards her start, mate?" Sirius asked cutting up his pancakes. "It had to start somewhere. Did it start at the end of fifth year? Did it start when we came back? Did it start when Lily started speaking towards you and you realized she was just like the rest of us? Did it start at the party-"

"The Room of Requirement party." James answered while cutting up his pancakes as well. "I saw her dancing and bringing Lily into the party life. I saw her let go of herself and she didn't care. She wasn't trying hard, she was just being herself, Padfoot. She was everything everyone said she was, but also the exact opposite at the same time."

Sirius shoved three pieces of pancake into his mouth. "Go wake up her up and tell her breakfast has been served. My pancakes are too good to be wasted. Also cover up the love bites, Prongs. Never know when the others might arrive."

James rolled his eyes as he made his way back to his room. He opened the door to see Jordan dressed and finishing her hair. She looked the opposite of last night. Nothing like a girl whose world had been wrecked because of a ball.

"Morning, James. Was that Sirius I heard downstairs? I could hear his voice, but couldn't make out the words. I thought he wasn't coming back, until Monday." Jordan asked as she was curling the last piece of hair.

She wore a white, long sleeve shirt that was tucked into black jeans. She wore little heeled botties and kept on the diamond necklace from the night before. James gulped seeing the necklace still on her.

James scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, he came back early. Didn't ask him why, though. He told me to come get you for pancakes."

"Well, that is thoughtful of him." Jordan cheered. "I will be down in a minute. Let me put a few things away and I will be down!"

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