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Dorm Party


Potions class was my best class. It came easy for me to mix together ingredients and make something special out of it. I could do it in my sleep, while others needed at least one eye open to make sure they poured everything into the pot.

Professor Slughorn was teaching an advance potions class for sixth and seventh years and when I heard, I knew I had to join. I knew my life of work would never come since I would be a pureblood wife, so I wanted to get in all the work I can while at Hogwarts.

The class was offered in the mornings to Slytherins and Gyrffindors, while the afternoon class was offered to Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. While, I thought there wouldn't be many students in the class, I was shocked to see all of the Marauders fighting over where to sit when I walked in.

Marlene found me first and pulled me to Lily and her's table. Lyra and Belle sat down at the table with me, but I could tell Belle was not happy with the choice of seating. Lyra was more laid back with sitting with opposite bloods, but Belle was not. She was just like her brother.

"I haven't seen you around as much, Jordan. Ever since the party after the quidditch game, you've been distant. We've all missed seeing you around." Marlene spoke while getting her books out.

It was hard to lie to Marlene. After the party I couldn't help, but feel a little shameful. I had brought Lily to a side of partying I knew she was not comfortable with, and I allowed some horrible things to happen after that night. Somethings I never want to relive again.

Lyra was the first one to break the silence, after I didn't responded, "We've all been busy with our studies. Jordan-Ella is busy with shopping for the pureblood ball and preparing to see her future-husband once more."

Lily looked up from her book, "Husband? Jo, I didn't know you had found someone within the circle to marry. Who is it?"

"Theodore Nott, Belle's brother." I said with a simple smile on my face. I wasn't happy about it, but neither was he. We agreed to talk more about it at the ball and come up with a contract.

"JORDAN!" I heard James yell.

I turned around to see all four boys flashing me a smile, even Sirius. James scooted his seat over to mine, "It's Halloween and Sirius is throwing a party. What do you say about joining us tonight in the common room for some innocent drinking and cake?"

Sirius nodded, "You are welcome to come. Gives us a chance to let lose and maybe get to know each other better. I have to admit I wasn't fair to you from the start, but this is my peace offering."

Coming up with a plan, I picked up my bag and pulled out a small vile. I walked over to Siirus and placed it into his hand. I gave him a soft smile and walked back to my seat.

"Oi Ella, what is this? This better not be the vile. I keep hearing people say I need to keep some on me, but I'm not doing it." Sirius called across the table.

I let out a little laugh, "No, it's not that vile. It's a healing potion. One of the best there is. It's my peace offering to you. I saw you still have the cut on your hand from when I cut you, so you can have the potion. It healed my within a week, so only a few drops should heal your scars."

Turning to Remus I kept a smile on my face, "You can have the rest when he's finished. It's very easy to brew. If any of you might happen to need any, let me know and I can make some within five minutes."

James and I locked eyes and he smiled, "Thank you, Jordan. Even if Sirius does need the other vile, I'm sure this will help a lot. You sure are one kind Slytherin."

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