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3rd Person

Marlene McKinnon wanted to spit out her drink after seeing what she just saw. James Potter walked past Lily Evans without one look at her. Lily was invisible to James Potter, now days. She found it hysterical, while Lily was confused.

Lily took her fork and began to play with her food, "When Remus told me he was taking Jordan's advice, I didn't think it would last this long. He hasn't even asked me for homework answers. None of them have."

Marlene rested a hand over Lily's "Don't tell me you are sad over them leaving you alone, like you asked. Look on the bright side, they were bothering Jordan and they finally stopped. Maybe, James is changing."

"James might be changing, but Remus told James that Jordan was willing to try again with planting a seed for their friendship. That's why he's leaving her alone. He knows that she's coming back to him." Lily said with a depressing tone.

Feeling hurt for her best friend, Marlene gave her a soft smile, "Why don't you start talking to James? Just start with little things. You were okay with being his friend once you learned how he defended you after Snape called you that horrid name."

Marlene started at her best friend waiting for a response, but Lily couldn't form one as she looked at the Slytherin table. Gryffindor and Slyhtheirn were next to each other, so it wasn't hard to hear their conversations, especially the one of the arguing Rosier siblings. This argument even caught the attention of the Marauders.

One the other side of the table Sirius felt a sense of deja vu, watching the Rosier siblings. It reminded him of Regulus and his relationship before he ran away. Rocky and unstable.

"Evan, please listen to me!" Jordan said loudly, "You need to stop with these harmful pranks. There is a line when it comes to pranking and you crossed it many times. It's enough!"

Evan glared at Jordan while he swirled his tongue around his mouth, "Jordan, our mother isn't dead, so there is no need to be a mum to me. Our parents are fully capable of being parents to me. I don't need another parent."

Jordan looked at Evan, then behind him at Regulus. She knew both boys needed a mother, because there wasn't one around enough for either of them. Evan and Jordan's mother was more of mum to them when there was guest around.

Jordan-Eve Rosier, once an Avery, didn't care about being a mother after she fulfilled her duty as a pureblood wife. She gave Drake Rosier his heirs and didn't care after that. She had done her job. She was never told she had to raise the children.

Jordan sighed, "You both know you need someone to look after you. I don't care if you think you don't. You are only fifteen. You still need someone to look after you."

She turned to Regulus beside her, "I don't care what happens to me, but I care what happens to you. I want you all to stay away from hurting people. It doesn't get you anywhere in life. Especially tricking people into doing harmful things."

Evan met his older sisters eyes and guilt filled his body. He would never forget the day he watched as his sister broke. She broke because of something he told her to do. He was the reason she was falling off the edge while keeping him on the top.

Jordan looked at the time, then got up from her seat, "Please, just promise me you three will stay out of trouble. Next, you three will be using unforgivables and I won't allow it."

Regulus and Barty nodded, while Evan kept his eyes on his plate, "I'm still sorry, Jordan."

"Stop saying that word. I'm done with people being sorry. I hear it too much now." Jordan stated, before stalking off.

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