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Addition to a mess.

3rd Person

Regulus Black was shocked when he opened the door to see Lily Evans standing there. He looked around to see if anyone else was with her, but it was just her. Regulus looked at the trees that surrounded the house and wondered who let her in. Jordan and Sirius were swimming right now.

"I let her in, mate." Evan called out as he came down the stairs. Regulus turned around to see Evan with a huge smile on his face. "I asked her to come over. I need to speak with her."

Regulus was ready to barf. "Between you and your sister thinking somehow this house has turned into a whorehouse, I don't know whose worse. Jordan and Sirius or now Lily and you!"

Lily was taken back. "Are Jordan and Sirius shagging?"

Evan rolled his eyes. "No, but Regulus thinks otherwise, since Sirius hasn't went back to James' house, but only twice since our parents died. Regulus is being dramatic as always."

"They might as well be shagging." Regulus groaned. "Up all night together, cooking together, swimming, and just last night they stayed in the same room. I bet they at least snogged."

"You really think Sirius would do that to James? I mean James had her first." Lily asked.

Regulus bit the inside of his cheek as he pondered on Lily's words. "I think he would with the right amount of bravery. He left our parents and left me behind. He even hurt Remus. If he is capable of hurting Remus and I, he is capable of hurting James. Jordan is another story."

Evan pulled Lily's hand towards the parlor and sat her down on the couch. He whispered a silencing charm and locked the door. "Alright, I asked you here for two things. I wanted to see you again, but also Regulus is kind of right. They haven't shagged, but I think they have snogged a few times."

Lily raised her eyebrows. "You really think Jordan would snog Sirius? I mean there is no proof for anything, besides how much time they spend together. Maybe Jordan and Sirius are getting along really well."

"I know my sister, Lils. If they aren't at least snogging by now, then Jordan is falling in love with Sirius. Her face lights up when he comes in a room. Maybe it is happiness and joy after a dark journey, but I also know how this could go if they went that far." Evan explained.

"You are right." Lily confessed. "James was torn apart after they shagged and he couldn't be with her. I don't even want to imagine his thoughts if he thought the two of them shagged. What are we supposed to do?"

Evan rested onto the back of the couch and felt Lily take his hand into hers. "Well, we can't stop them if it happens, but if it does we can only be there for them and make sure James doesn't kill anyone."

"Well, I'm sure whatever happens everything will be okay. Your sister is strong and can handle whatever is thrown at her." Lily comforted Evan.

It had not hit the both of them that while they were having this conversation, they were slowly falling in love themselves. They were also unaware of what was really happening between Jordan and Sirius at the moment.


I took my eyes of off Sirius as he got out of the pool. I've kept my cool around him, but something about him when he gets out of the pool and ruffs his hair into a towel, just makes me have butterflies. Maybe even more.

Sirius walked over to the edge I was resting my head on and put his legs back in the water. "I think tonight will be my last night here. I'm sure Mia is going mental dealing with James and Monty by herself. Full moon is coming up as well and we all need to be there for Moony."

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