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Snakes on our arms


Today marks one month since Sterling and Barty were told to confess to us. It's been a month since learning who really killed my parents. It also marks a month since Barty told me he had a mission of his own. Today marks the day in history that the three of us will be brought to Tom Riddle.

But first, we had Hogsmeade to attend too. I couldn't go with the group I had wished I could, but at least I still had Lyra with me. Evan and Regulus took it upon themselves to spend time with Pandora Lestrange. She was their easy escape from the idea of what was happening today.

I felt Lyra's hand tighten around mine. "Tom is arranging Sterling and I to reconnect. He threatened Sterling with killing us both. Sterling said that as long as we are together for the time being, in a year I can escape without any trace of this life with me. I can be free, after the target on my back is taken down."

If the target on her back didn't kill her first.

The sadness in her eyes made me want to burn Sterling to ashes. He had the choice to leave her name out of this. He had a choice and he decided to choose the side that killed. It's betrayal because he knew what he was doing.

"Be careful." Is all I am able to say. "Don't love him too hard or you might have something of his within you, then with you when it's born. Having his kid might be the worst reminder to us all of the things we faced as teenagers."

Barty and Sterling approached us, with Snape and Belle behind them. I let go of Lyra's hand and let Barty take mine. We made small talk on the way to the Three Broomsticks. Butterbeer always lightens the mood.

The six of us sat at the biggest table they had left and placed our order. Across the room, I saw the Marauders. Smiling and laughing with one another. It reminded me how I had seen them last year. I have seen them every year. Wishing one day to be as happy as they were.

"Jordan?" I turned to see Sterling looking at me. "Did you hear me? I said to meet us at the edge of the grounds tonight. We will apparate to the location where we will be meeting The Dark Lord. Do you think you can get there without Potter following you?"

"Of course I can. We don't speak enough for him to care about my whereabouts anyway. We are invisible to each other. We are all invisible to each other."

Sterling nodded and took a drink of his butterbeer. I felt Lyra's hand on my knee comforting me. I guess the uneasy look on my face wasn't hidden very well. The thought of tonight made me sick to my core. I worried about the events that could occur. Who would all be there with him? What would they do to the three of us?

"I'm going outside to get some fresh air." I kissed Barty on the cheek. "Don't check up on me, or you will regret it." I whispered in a serious tone. All I heard was him gulp, before I walked away.

There was a loft above the Three Broomsticks that had a balcony. It overlooked the back of Hogsmeade and all the trees behind the little town. It was breathtaking during the winter time.

It was times like this that I actually had time to think. I thought about how my tragic life led me to where I am today. Two years ago, I wasn't seen in Hogwarts and when I was, there was fear in students' eyes. A fear of coming up to me and speaking. Almost like they were fans.

I smoked all the time and only ever talked to my fellow house members, but was never rude to others. I had a vacation to Paris every summer. I had everything mapped out for me. With one spell, that all was taken from me. I didn't even use the vacation house this summer. I sat at home cleaning the drawing room, trying to remove my parents' blood from the couch and rug.

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