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Partying with a chance

Third - Person

Evan was released from St.Mungos three days after he woke up. A week after he woke up, it was time for all the students to return to Hogwarts. Some of them returning to Hogwarts for the last time as a student.

Sirius never mentioned Jordan and his fight to anyone after it happened. He would never admit that he not only lost the girl he claimed to love, but his brother as well. Regulus couldn't even look at him. Sirius didn't blame him though. Sirius could barely look at himself in the mirror.

James saw the change in his best friend. It was like when Remus broke up with him. "Padfoot, what happened with Jo? Ever since Evan was injured you two barely look at each other and when you do, it's blank stares. Are you mad at her for something?" James asked one night in the common room, keeping Sirius company.

"I'm not mad at her." Sirius replied, keeping his eyes on the fire in front of him. "She told me I lost. I didn't do enough to fight for her. I lost her. I'm mad at myself for losing another person I loved. Now, she is either going to pick Remus or you. I kind of hope it's you, so I don't have to see Remus and her together."

Trying his best to bite his tongue, James let the secret out. "Remus asked Jordan to the Slytherin party." James blurted out. "He asked her to be his date the other day in the library. He asked me to help him find her, and when we did he asked her to the party. I would have protested, but I had her over the break. Remus deserves a fair chance as well."

Sirius tore his eyes away from the fire and looked at James. "They're going together? Why had I never thought of asking her on dates? Even secret dates while she was with Barty?"

"Because you told her you wouldn't have anything to do with her while she was with him. I don't wanna say that you did this to yourself, but you did, Mate. Even after she was free from him, you still ruined it. It made it look like you never wanted her anyway." James stated.

Looking away from his best friend, Sirius swirled his tongue around in his mouth. "I know something that could give me a chance with her again, but if she knew I was behind it, she would murder me."

"Don't mess with Evan or Regulus!" James snapped. "Their love is more pure than anything any of us could ever have. Don't mess with her and your brother's happiness. Don't do it. If Jordan even finds out you were thinking of it, she wouldn't even trust you as a friend."

"Do you know if Evan has spoken to Lily yet?" Sirius asked. "I'm not going to do anything, but I was just wondering for Lily's sake. Does he even plan to talk to her?"

James rolled his eyes, knowing that Sirius was trying to find a way to ruin Evan and Regulus. "Don't bring her into this either. She knows, but they haven't yet. Don't mingle in it. Don't use Barty either! Merlin knows how he feels about those two boys."

Sirius raised his brow. "I promise I'm not going to do anything, but what do you mean about Barty? Are you implying that he had feelings for Regulus and Evan?"

"Yes." James answered. "He's like you. Fancies two people, but those two people fancy each other. Just do yourself a favor and leave Jordan alone unless she comes to you. She made her choice about you. Don't fight it. You don't see me trying to pull Remus and her apart, now do you? No, because I respect both of them to put my jealousy aside. I care about Jordan being happy, no matter who it is with."



Lyra's smile grew when she saw me exit the bathroom of my dorm. "You look beautiful, Jordan. I think this might be the first Slytherin party where we are dressing comfortably, instead of dressing to attract boys. Granted we are still in heels, but it feels nice to wear a longer dress for once."

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