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Third - Person

"What do you mean you are not back together with Regulus? You kissed him only a few days ago at the ball? What happened?" Jordan-Ella asked her brother as she hid behind a wall.

Evan, who was beside her, rolled his eyes. "We shagged, but it will take more than a shag for me to welcome him back into my arms. We are slowly gaining that trust back. Now, get ready. I'm about to charge you. Electricity creates the best fire."

"We are ready whenever you are, Jordan!" Remus called out.

"Just don't kill them!" Regulus yelled after Remus.

Jordan-Ella held out her hands and Evan channeled the electricity and struck Jordan-Ella's hands. Fire formed in her palms and slowly, the fire grew. Once it was at the size Jordan-Ella needed she pulled her hands away from Evan.

"You could really channel the electricity power. It's so much more fun than fire. Hurts people a lot more too." Evan commented.

"I'm fine with fire." Jordan replied. "Alright, everyone. Here it comes. Evan, ready?"

The boy nodded and both siblings looked down at their friends who were training. They pushed their hands down and watched as their friends dodged the fire and electricity. Soon, they brought their powers back together making the fire bigger and more deadly than it was before.

This was something Dumbledore ordered as part of their summer training. With Evan and Jordan rejoining the Order in secret, he knew that his soldiers needed to learn how to defend themselves against the Rosier siblings' power. The enemy wouldn't know how too, but if they could it would give them the upper hand in duels. At this moment, Regulus Black was in charge of the training, as he already knew what to do. He had them training in an abandoned muggle parking deck.

"Peter Pettigrew, you may not run away from the fire! Jordan, switch to wind and push him back here, please!" Regulus ordered.

The Marauders, minus Peter, snorted as Jordan switched to controlling the wind and carried Peter back to his training spot. Evan had some fun and let the lighting strike a few feet away from Peter. Marlene fell over laughing as she watched Peter turn into a rat from his fear of lighting.

The Rosier siblings channeled their powers back to themselves and fell against the nearest wall laughing. Jordan-Ella turned to her brother once her laughing stopped. "If you love him, why aren't you with him? Our time in this universe could be cut short. Love him while you can."

Evan stopped laughing, but didn't look at his sister. Instead he stared at the night sky above them. "Why don't you give the same speech to Sirius and Remus? They love each other, but yet they are not together. They continue to stay apart from one another as do Regulus and I, but we are the ones who are told to be together."

"The Evan I know would never say such things. What's wrong with you?" Jordan snapped.

Standing up, Evan walked to the railing of the parking deck. "You pushed Sirius away for Regulus and I. Now, you are marrying James. You are marrying someone else and you told Sirius who he loved more, but yet he's still not with him. Sirius has still not moved on." He turned around to face Jordan. "Do you think James wants to marry you so quickly, so you cannot change your mind again? Did you agree to marry him so fast for that same reason? Did you only choose James because you want Sirius and Remus together. Them being together makes everything easier for you."

Jordan pulled her knees to her chest. "I picked James! I will always pick James! I love James-"

"You love all three of them!" Evan snapped. "You claim to be in love with James, but Sirius was the one who you fell for before you shagged him."

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