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       NAYARA WALKED ALONG with Peter through one of the main streets in Central City. "So, let me get this straight, Kara is Superman's cousin. A man who is very strong, has x-ray vision and enhanced hearing and speed...but not as fast as Barry nor Kid Flash." Peter whispered to her as he recalled all the information Nayara had just told him. Nayara knew they might be here for a while so she knew she had to teach Peter about this world so that he hopefully would not get himself into too much trouble. Especially after his last meeting with Nightwing. If she was lucky, he will never have to encounter Batman at all.

The brunette nodded at him sipping on her coffee. "But the x-ray vision only stops if the substance between the thing and Superman's eyes is made out of led." Nayara said as she looked over her shoulder. Ever since she came back from Gotham, Peter had noticed the girl always looking over her shoulder. Peter tried to question about why she would do such thing, in which her answer will only be that she was fine.

Peter put a hand over her shoulder. "Hey, I'm not letting you get hurt. Not over my watch." Peter whispered to her. Nayara took his hand and pulled him away from the crowd. She stopped when they were in a less populated spot.

"I know...it's just that back in our world...well your world I knew what to do, and who to go to. But here I don't. I mean, Sharon was able to find a way to get to me here. An entire different universe. She will do anything to get her hands on me and the last thing I want is to endanger someone else's life...There are people here that I can't loose okay." Nayara commented to him.

"Is it about Barry and Iris?" Peter questioned her.

Nayara sighed, thinking back at Nightwing and of Bruce. Despite her worries, she knew Sharon couldn't possible defeat Bruce, but the other people, now that's another story. "I have enough dead bodies on my hands with Steve's." Nayara answered him. "It's not just them." Nayara quietly added.

Peter pulled Nayara closed to him, looking down at her tired eyes. She hadn't been able to sleep the past couple of days ever since Sharon attacked her, and the streets had been too quiet for her liking. "Who else? Maybe I will swing by and look after them while you go out and help Iris." Peter said to her.

"What I really want is going out patrolling, but I can't until Sharon is caught." Nayara commented to him.

Peter gave her an incredulous look. "Says who?" He questioned her. Nayara got quiet, knowing the answer. "My girlf...my friend wouldn't be refusing going out on a mission. Especially since I heard Cisco mention how you have team up with Kid Flash." Peter told her. "Plus, I will go out with you and we can...do whatever crime fighting you like to do. I think it's cool, you and me." Peter added.

Nayara sent him a small smile. "A friend who I will always listen to." Nayara said to him.

"Nightwing?" He asked curiously, sounding a bit defensive. Nayara laughed at him, shaking her head.

"Batman." Nayara corrected him. She sighed, thinking back at her last visit to Gotham. "I was targeted inside a hotel by highly skilled men. I was fine..but they were after me and they worked with one of the most known villains of this world. Him, I can handle. But Sharon is a whole different thing." Nayara told him.

She looked up to the street, seeing a young girl followed by her parents. She was wearing a Flash mask on her face as was 'racing' through the street. Peter followed her eyes to the family across from them. "If Sharon figures out a way to uncover my secret identity here, it will be chaos. I can't let that happen. I need to keep the balance here, just like in your world." Nayara explained to him.

"Is this your world too?" Peter questioned her, knowing her hesitation to leave DC.

"Is not your world." She said looking up to him.

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