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             NAYARA LOOKED AT Batman with a shocked face. "What are you doing here?" Batman asked her. Nayara could not answer, she was too consumed on admiring her favorite member of the Justice League to actually process the words he was speaking to her. "Who are you?" Batman asked her, using his threatening voice.

However, the girl did not flinch at all. Instead she touched a side of his arm and pulled it back quickly when she realized he was indeed real. "I think this belong to you." Nayara whispered to him, handling the batarang.

What happened next shocked Batman himself. The girl smiled brightly at him, not fearing him at all. "Big fan, Batman." Nayara said, trying to refrain herself from hugging the man. She now realized that it would have gotten her into more trouble and probably weirded out the man, which she did not want to do.

Batman hardened his signature batglare that even his own children would fear, but the girl did not move or changed her attitude. Batman was starting to think she was a robot. "I-I'm Nayara." She said, taking out her hand. The man did not shake it. Nayara drew it back.

"What are you doing here?" Batman asked her.

"Visiting." She stated, keeping her eyes on his mask. "I like the whole Bat thing. I think it cooler than the whole Superman without a mask thing." Nayara said before she gulped. She looked around for Barry, who was still no sight of him.

Batman glared at the girl. "How did you get past the security system?" Batman asked her. Nayara smiled at him before starting to run, not the best idea though. Batman sighed, shaking his head. As she was running away she stopped when she saw Barry stopped in front of her.

"What are you running-" Flash was going to ask her when Nayara pointed rapidly at Batman. Nayara felt to the floor as something caught her legs. She sighed, looking at one of the tools Batman always used.

"I panicked and I ran." Nayara whispered to the Flash. She sighed, when she looked at Batman who was now looking down at her. "Hello, again. Sorry, I panicked and I ran. This thing are really tight." Nayara said, pointing at the tool.

"She is my new prodigy." Barry told Batman.

"Flash." Batman sighed.

"She was helping me, and I told her to wait." Barry said before quickly freeing Nayara's feet. Nayara got up and stood confidently in front of Batman. "I'm about to take her back." Barry said before, flashing her out before Batman could say anything else.

He stopped inside the Cortex. "What did you do in just a few minutes?" Barry asked her.

"Me? I didn't do anything. He popped out of nowhere like he normally does. I just whispered Batman and turned and it was him." Nayara said, walking to get a seat. "And I touched him, Barry." She whispered to him.

Barry held back a snarky comment. "I wanted to make sure he was real so I reached out and touched his arm. I mean it was too good to be true." She noted down.

Barry sighed, holding his head in his hands. "Who is this?" A voice said. Both heroes turned around to see a boy around Nayara's age with a yellow suit.

"Wally." Nayara whispered. Thankfully, Barry was the only one who heard it.

"You know him and you don't know much about me?" Barry questioned her in a murmur.

"He is friends with one of my favorite heroes." Nayara whispered back. "And I do know some what about you. I just don't tell you so I don't sound weird." Nayara quickly whispered.

Barry walked to Wally. Nayara gave the other young hero and small smile. "This is Nayara. She is a new helper in Star Labs." Barry told Wally.

"She knows you are the Flash?" Wally asked Barry as he looked at Nayara.

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