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               NAYARA WAS WORRIED for everyone around her. She was worried of what might become of them if she got too close. After what had happened with Zemo, she made a promise to herself: she will not put any more people in danger. Even if meant cutting ties with some of the most important people in her life. 

That evening when she arrived with a bloodied face back home, she broke down. She was destroyed inside and out. Emma had never seen so much pain and guilt within the girl. Emma knew that it was not Nayara's fault, but the girl would not listen. The only thing in her mind being the horrible deaths that people she cared about will face if she stayed any closer. 

The most devastated one was Peter, who felt slightly guilty for the event. He thought that he could have stop it. Nayara did not said a word to him about it, knowing he will blame himself for it. Instead, he had to heard it from a conversation between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. 

Peter Parker sighed, knocking the door inside Nayara's apartment. When it opened, a giant man stood up, looking down at him. "Who are you?" Peter asked him. He did not recognize him without the yellow and blue mask on. 

"Who are you?" Logan replied back. 

"I'm Peter Parker. I'm a friend of Nayara's." Peter said, trying to look over the shoulder of the man to see if Nayara was inside. He was only able to see some brunette hair on the couch, which he presumed was Nayara. 

Logan glared at him before closing the door on his face. Logan turned around, looking at Nayara who was eating some ice cream, because it helped her ease the pain on her face a little. "Who was it?" Nayara asked him, not looking at him. 

"A kid named Peter Parker." Logan told her. Nayara sighed, shaking her head. "You know him?" Logan asked her. 

Nayara nodded at him. "We are friends." Nayara answered before she took a spoonful of ice cream. "I have tried to ignore him. To not put him in danger. I don't want HYDRA to use him as leverage." Nayara said, looking ahead. Logan nodded at her. "You know, you are a pretty damn good babysitter." Nayara joked, looking at him with a small smile. 

Logan accepted the compliment, but did not show any emotions of it. Nayara knew from his eyes and his silence that he had accepted, so she did not said anything. "You know, it was my fault that Steve got hurt. All because I snapped at his girlfriend-" Nayara said, but stopped when Logan opened his mouth. 

"Ex. Ex-girlfriend." Logan corrected her. Nayara turned around, and flinched when she did it because it made her face hurt. "Steve called the police, and they have detained her. She is know on a high level prison." Logan told her. 

"He did what?" Nayara exclaimed, not expecting that decision form Steve Rogers. "I thought he was resting. He got shot and pretty beat up." Nayara added. 

"Before he had to rest, he made sure to stop her." Logan informed her. 

Nayara smiled slightly. "He played her at her own game. Brilliant Steve. Brilliant." Nayara exclaimed, but her excitement soon died down. "But then that doesn't mean that she will be stopped, or that she wouldn't kill Steve." Nayara said, in thought. She put down her ice cream on the coffee table and turned around, resting her arms and head on the back of the couch. "That is what happens in the end of Civil War. I got the volume for the Death of Captain America because I thought it will be interesting to read, I recreated it. Deeply recreated it." Nayara said to Logan, who was sitting in the step of the stairs. "When I was there, I was scared and conflicted. Zemo threaten me by punching Steve, and I knew I could not say anything because everything will crumple down. Then, he pulled up a gun and pointed it at him. I said no. I told him I will not give him the information." Nayara said. 

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