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       NAYARA WALKED INSIDE the coffee shop with Barry. "Alright so I had one question I have been dying to ask." Nayara said as she followed him inside.

"One of many the many you have asked me non-stop?" Barry asked her. Nayara had woken up really early on the morning, just to go to coffee with Barry.

"So, have you proposed to Iris yet?" Nayara asked him. Barry stopped roughly at the question. He turned to look down at the girl in thought.

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm guessing that is a no." Nayara said, laughing at Barry's reaction.

"That was not a question I was expecting." Barry told her. "I was going to propose to her...but the different world thing happened." Barry whispered to her.

Nayara's eyes widen at the news. "Are you telling me that you almost don't propose because of that!" Nayara exclaimed. "What if I didn't figure out a way to get you back? No Westallen wedding?" Nayara said in panic.

"I heard how you talked about me and Iris and I didn't want to stress you out." Barry added. He gulped when he saw the deadly glare that Nayara was giving him.

"You got a ring, right? Right." Nayara said to Barry, who nodded at her. "I'm just that I really want you to marry her because I know you are happy and would have beautiful meta-children and a speedster's grandson." Nayara said, but then cringed when she realized what she said. "And I might have just affected the time line, but it couldn't have been as much as you have done." Nayara whispered to Barry.

Barry sighed. "Boy or girl?" Barry asked her.

"Barry." Nayara sighed. She sent him a look, and he got quiet. "I am not going to tell you." She added.

. . .

Cisco groaned in annoyance as Barry called him for the tenth time in a matter of seconds. Nayara had stopped replying after the fourth call. "Nayara." Cisco called her out. Nayara looked up to him and caught the phone just in time.

"Talk to him. He has been calling me non-stop." Cisco said to him.

"Alright." Nayara sighed, picking up the call. "Hello, you are calling to Cisco Ramon's phone. This is Nayara. Who am I speaking with?" Nayara said in her best assistant voice.

"I am just wondering about the entire grandchildren thing you told me." Barry told her as he waited for one of the tubes to finis analyzing.

"What, you met with Impulse?" Nayara asked him, as she noted down an improvement in the suit. Next to her, there were some tools that she had designed who she believed it would be useful. She had the idea, and Cisco dealt with making them. "Because if that is the case, then we got a problem. He dresses on a suit like Kid Flash but it's red and white instead of yellow and red." Nayara said as she stood up with some of her papers on her hands. She passed them to Cisco as she talked to Barry.

"I got a meta-human grand kid? A boy named Impulse?" Barry questioned her, amazed by the news. Nayara swore loudly, making Barry flinch from the other side of the line. Cisco lifted his head to look of an annoyed Nayara.

"I would shut up. Don't call unless it is an emergency." Nayara said, shaking her head. "Go and do your CSI Barry. I'm not letting you know anything else." She said before hanging up the phone. She handed the phone to Cisco and shook her head.

. . .

Nayara sighed, taking her sweater with her. She looked at Cisco. "I'm going for a walk." Nayara said. Cisco nodded at her. "May the force be with you." She said before leaving. Cisco smiled at the reference.

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