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         NAYARA SAT WORRIEDLY next to Wally. "You are not going to tell Kara?" Wally asked her. Nayara shook her head. "Why not?" Wally asked her.

"Because I have to know what is happening first and see if I could solve it myself." Nayara noted. The young brunette stood up pacing around. "I can't....I don't deserve it...I'm not from here." She whispered in thought. Wally heard her though, but instead of questioning, he let it go.

A loud knock was heard, making Nayara jump. "Should I get it?" Nayara asked Wally. What if it is like an alien or something? Like an ambassador for the lanterns." Nayara told Wally. The boy shrugged at her in response.

"If it is an alien I really don't want to open that thing." Wally told Nayara.

"You are Kid Flash! A superhero! You are a Teen Titan!" Nayara exclaimed. "You should be fine fighting aliens." Nayara pointed out. Wally gave her a tired look.

"Those aliens don't have the powers of the Green Lanterns." Wally told her.

"I'm sorry." Nayara replied sending an apologetic look. Wally sighed, motioning her to seat down. He took a seat next to her, looking at her. "This wasn't supposed to happen. At all." Nayara whispered to herself.

Another knock was heard and Wally was the first one to walk to the door. "I thought you didn't want to open the door." Nayara told him.

Wally turned to her with a small smile. "Well I think I can ignore that fear for one especial friend." Wally said. Then another set of knockings were heard. This time there were more aggressive and quicker.

Nayara ran to the door and opened it, avoiding the falling hand that would have collided with her face if she had not moved. Nayara looked at the owner, just to see Hal Jordan with her ring in another hand.

"You take forever to open the damn door." Hal told Nayara, coming inside the apartment. After he came in, Nayara was able to see a tall brunette who was right behind him. Nayara looked at her with curiosity. "Nayara, this is my....friend." Hal told her.

"Hi, I'm Carol Ferris. Nice to meet you." Carol presented to her. Nayara's widen and quickly shook her hand with a small smile.

"Hi." Nayara said, shaking her hand. She smiled widely at her. "She knows what to do the ring?" Nayara asked Hal.

Hal nodded at her. "Actually, I have a history with it." Carol said to her. "You might want to sit down for this." Carol added.

"This must not be good, if she says that." Wally whispered to Nayara.

Nayara followed her to the kitchen with Wally trailing carefully behind her. "Will you care for anything?" Nayara asked motioning to the kitchen. Carol waved her off, before taking a seat. Hal played with the ring while he sent a look to Carol. "So why does Hal looked like he has just seen a ghost?" Nayara asked Carol.

"I'm just preparing myself mentally for what is to come." Hal told Nayara. Nayara frowned, watching him carefully. Hal had a serious look that was not fading, which worried her.

"Well, then tell us?" Nayara said to him.

"I have had my experience with the Pink Lanterns, and the arrival of this ring is just bad news." Carol told Nayara. Nayara frowned, looking at her curiously.

"Aren't they like the Green Lanterns? I mean, I know that the Yellow are bad guys, but I thought the pink will be different." Nayara said to them.

"They prefer the term Violet Lantern Corps." Hal told them. "They are not particularly the.... nicest." Hal told Nayara. "They possessed Carol, so that she will become their Queen." Hal told her.

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