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Nayara's fear have come true: Steve is dead. With no other way to return to the Marvel world where her loved ones are, she now must face the new threats that seem to appear around the corner. Nayara would be tested the most now since lost and anger have never been a good combination. A storm is coming, and nobody would be able to stop it.

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"But the worst thing about losing you was that you took my heart with you."

- Nikita Gill

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eloide young as thali a'gaul

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eloide young as thali a'gaul

"Are you really willing to die for Bruce Wayne? The man behind the Batman mask. Well, I hope your death is painful. That would give you time to rethink your decisions." 

sophie turner as barbara gordon "Oh my god, you are the pink lantern

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sophie turner as barbara gordon
"Oh my god, you are the pink lantern. I didn't intended to make the pink lantern cry. Damn it, where is Bruce!" 

amber heard as mera "You are not aware of your potential Nayara Thank god that I do

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amber heard as mera
"You are not aware of your potential Nayara Thank god that I do. You hold such a bright future, and you can't let it go to waste" 

 You hold such a bright future, and you can't let it go to waste" 

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malese jow as linda park
"Well, hello. Who is that young man standing next to you Nayara? Is that you friend Wally?" 

ryan potter as tim drake "Well, Nightwing you weren't lying when you said she was pretty

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ryan potter as tim drake
"Well, Nightwing you weren't lying when you said she was pretty." 

jesse eisenberg as lex luthor

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jesse eisenberg as lex luthor

"I will burn you entire world down. Don't think I wouldn't."

hena heady as zelda

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hena heady as zelda

"My loyalty to Queen Star Sapphire have lasted decades, even centuries. I will ensure that your soul rots while the power of the Star Sapphire gem consumes you until nothing of you other than your body will  remain" 

 I will ensure that your soul rots while the power of the Star Sapphire gem consumes you until nothing of you other than your body will  remain" 

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mila kunis as star sapphire

"Love might tear you apart from the inside out, but it can also strengthen you. Love is what powers your gem, what brings you strength. Now, Nayara are you going to let other person who you love die, or are you going to use it to avoid their fate?"

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