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          DEBRIS FLEW ACROSS the sky, signaling the collapsing of a building. It seemed like there will not calm times coming any time soon for the citizens of Central City, nor a suitable rest for its heroes neither.

Kid Flash, Wally, raced across the street with the help of the Flash trying to help people out of the debris' way. The two of them were quick to reach while Wally's friend, Conner, was trying his best to reach the hit zone.

Wally turned to Barry, looking at him with curiosity. "Do you think this is another of those portals?" Wally asked Barry.

Barry put his finger on the side of his mask, turning on the communication system. "Cisco, can you check the security cameras? It will be nice to know what just fell from the sky." Barry said to him.

As on queue a body flew out of the building followed by another one. The second following the first one shot laser eyes to its target. Wally mouth opened wide due to the pure shock, while Barry glared at it.

"Keep, people out of the way." Barry instructed Wally. "Cisco can you locate, Nayara?" Barry asked his friend.

"Do you want to send her? Because her powers are pretty cool, and it seems like you might need so back up." Cisco said to him.

"No. I just want to make sure she is nowhere on sight." Barry said to him.

"Umm....I think I should tell you this, but her motorcycle is missing. I am looking at the footage right now and it seemed that a person with a black helmet took off with it. Wait....it has something on the back of the helmet." Cisco said as he typed away. He narrowed his eyes at the footage seeing a symbol he did not know, but both Barry and Nayara did. Especially Nayara since it belonged to her role model. "It has a start painted in yellow." Cisco added. "I put a tracker on it in case it got lost or something. It's coming towards the hit zone." Cisco explained.

Barry frowned. "I will deal with it later. I need you to run facial recognition on the people who are fighting. I don't know who they are." Barry said to him. Barry ran to where the two people were fighting and stopped once he saw who they were. Two women, one had short blonde her and was wearing a white suit with a red cape, while the other one was wearing plain black normal clothe.

"Why do you do that to people?" The blonde asked the other women with raven hair.

"Because its what they paid me to do, blondie." She said.

"Hey!" Barry called out the two of them. "This is my city, could you not cause this much destruction and deal with it in a civilized way?" Barry said the two of them. The blonde one reacted quickly by turning around and shooting him with her laser eyes. Barry avoided the hit, and used his speed to take the raven-haired woman away from the blonde.

The girl with the symbol of Captain Marvel on the back stopped a couple of blocks away. She took her helmet out reviling the face of the owner of the motorcycle, Nayara Lilly. Nayara turned off her vehicle and raced to where the action was to see what was happening, and it seemed that Conner had arrived just in time.

Nayara pushed by the people who were trying to get cover. She looked ahead, watching how the laser that almost hit Barry, hit the side of the building a couple of blocks away. She watched how Kid Flash pulled the people to safety.

The young brunette ran out in hopes of helping Wally. It was a unwise decision since there was an angered super human with enhanced strength and laser eyes running around, but alas she was Nayara after all. She always put people before her.

Barry stopped a couple of blocks away, looking at the woman. "Who are you?" He asked her.

The woman smirked at him before her eyes turned silver. She raised her hands to Barry's and let out a soft laugh. "Try to be brave. You are supposed to be a hero?" The woman said to Barry.

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