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          TWO EVENTFUL MONTHS passed quickly. Too quickly for Nayara. She had started to adapt to her new world. One of the things she learned was: Manhattan was a beacon for trouble. She knew of that, but she didn't thought how it will affect her schedule to arrive to class. She had to solve and get new rotes because either, Vulture or Rhino came. Or even the simplest fight between some pose officers who had found a small amount of HYDRA agents leaving in an apartment.  

It really amazed her how Peter was able to balance both school and superhero work. If she herself just was stressed enough with school. She knew it was hard to balance, which was why she will cover up Peter if he was late for class first thing in the morning, telling the teacher he felt sick or his train got stuck. She was running out of excuses, and today was one of the days she just couldn't come up with one. 

"Ms.Lilly, will you tell me today why Mr.Parker is missing?" The head teacher asked her. 

Nayara looked at him with big eyes, trying to form an answer. However she got distracted when she saw something coming towards the school. A body passed through the window, and landed in the desks in front of Nayara. 

Nayara looked down at the boy in the Spider suit. "Really?" Nayara whispered to him. 

"Not now." He whispered back, letting his head fall back down to the floor. 

"Oh my, it's Spiderman." A girl screamed in delight. 

"Shut up." Nayara screamed back, helping Spiderman up. 

"I'm stuck in train." Peter told her. "Just tell them I'm stuck in a train." He told her before jumping through the hole in the window. Nayara sighed, rolling her eyes. She saw how Peter ran and shot another web at the man with wings. Nayara sighed, watching how he struggle a little before defeating him. 

"Sir?" Nayara yelled the teacher. The teacher looked at her. "Peter is going to be late. He is stuck in a train." Nayara told her. 

. . . 

Nayara opened her locker, changing the books of her previous lessons for the ones of the next hours. Someone knocked the locker next to her, making her look up. She saw Peter Parker with a tired look. "Rough morning?" She asked him, smirking at him. 

Peter sighed. "You have no idea." Peter sighed. 

Nayara looked at the side of his face. "No bruise yet? I will be surprised if you don't get one. You landed pretty roughly. Not even glass?" Nayara asked him. 

Peter chuckled slightly. "I am not made of glass." He told her. 

"I'm just concerned. That's all." Nayara told him, turning her eyes back at her locker. 

He hesitate before bring a topic he wasn't so sure to bring. "Umm...I read your article. You know, the one that you glued around the school." Peter told her, referring to the article she written two weeks ago. An old project. Now, she was focusing on finishing editing a film she was working on in addition the Peter's surprise. She knew Peter did not fully trust her - which was a total lie because Peter had seen how the unplomatic girl had helped him - and wanted to surprise him. 

"Which one?" She asked him, holding her books tighter to her chest.  

"Mutants Unite." He told her. Nayara sighed. 

"Are you going to scowl at me for it? I just showed support for the mutant community who are being persecuted. I didn't see a problem." Nayara told him, not letting him finish his idea. 

"Neither did I." Peter told her. Nayara tilted her head confused on what the boy was trying to say. "I just wanted to say that you are a good writer. Have...have you looked at any internships? Contest? I mean, you could win." Peter said to her. 

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