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          NAYARA TYPED QUICKLY on her computer. The girl was using the program given by the blonde hero to find the Purple Man. She needed to help the Avengers, but how was she going to give the information to the Avengers? That was something she was planning to find out later.

A knock on the door startle Nayara. She looked up to see Emma smiling at her with a box on her hands. "Hey, umm...Hank told me to give you this. She said it was something you asked him for a few days ago." She said, putting the box in the bed next to where Nayara was sitting.

Nayara put the computer next to her and opened it. She smiled widely when she saw the earplugs she had asked. She put them on. "Can you speak?" Nayara asked Emma.

Emma nodded, confused on what the girl was thinking. "Hello, Nayara." She said.


Nayara's smile grew ten times when she did not hear anything that Emma said. "This is brilliant." Nayara said, taking them off.

"What do you need this for?" Emma asked her. Nayara froze, her eyes turning to look at Emma. She bit her lip, thinking of an answer. "What are those for?" Emma asked her again.

"Students are just...being too loud in school." Nayara lied, not able to look at her in the eye.

Emma sighed. "Please tell me the truth Nayara." Emma told her.

Nayara sighed. She did not want to break the trust that Emma had on her. The guilt will tear the inside of her piece by piece. "Umm...I-I heard the Avengers whisper something." Nayara told her.

"I thought we discussed that you wouldn't get involve." Emma told her.

"I didn't. Not yet. That's another thing I have to do." Nayara told her.

"Get involved!" Emma exclaimed. "You said yourself. You didn't want to be put up in a jail or something." Emma told her.

"I have to explain everything to you." Nayara told her, looking down at the box.

"Yes, you do." Emma told her. Emma saw the guilt start to appear in her eyes. "Sorry, it's...you can talk to me Nayara." Emma told her.

The girl met her eyes with slight sadness. "I didn't want to bother you. You have done enough for me by just simply taking me into your home, feeding me...buying me cute clothe without me asking for them."

"Well, they remind me of you. Unless you want to come with me?" Emma told her. Nayara shook her head. "You are not a bother to me, Nayara. I accepted everything when I said I was taking you in. I have never been a mother before, nor I will ever be able to replace yours...but I am here for you. You don't have to keep everything hold within yourself. I know what you have been through. You can talk to me." Emma told her.

"You read my mind?" Nayara asked Emma.

The blonde gave her a side smile. "You were struggling for your words...and I wanted you to be honest with me. Could you do that from now on?" Emma told her. "You don't have to carry the weight of everything in your shoulders." Emma added.

"I am trying to find the Purple Man." Nayara blurted out. Emma looked at her confuse. "In the comics he was the archenemy of Jessica Jones who was a victim of his mind control. He uses his voice and eyes to hypnotize. I didn't read Jessica Jones videos but read a little about her. That...That's why I went to a private detective a couple of days ago." Nayara told Emma.

Emma looked her, and took a deep breath. "A private detective?" Emma asked her.

"That was Jessica Jones. I lied and played with her emotions, because I knew she was a victim too...and she will be able to find him. The problem I have is that I don't know what he looks like in this universe, and neither does 90% of the people." Nayara told her. "I know. I know...but if he goes near any politician or Avenger he would be able to get a hold of them and ruin the entire world. I-I wanted to use my knowledge. Just to help. I asked Beast to get me these so that I could oppose mind control. I think I can." Nayara told Emma. "Does being a telepath help you with mind control?" Nayara asked.

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