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            NAYARA'S HAND SHOOK as she sat quietly on the back of the ambulance. The girl was always looking over her shoulder for the men who tried to get her. When HYDRA attacked her, it was different, she was with Steve and even if she was not she still could have fought them. In this case she couldn't. They were better trained than HYDRA and by the looks of it they came to kill. 

Nayara's eyes landed on the bodies of the men in the lobby. They were being carried out by other officers. The girl then turned to the man with a mustache who was coming her way. The girl held tightly to her sweater as she kept her eyes on the man she knew very well, but was unable to recognize. "I'm Commissioner Gordon." The man said to Nayara. At hearing the name, Nayara relaxed knowing that the man standing in front of her could be trusted.

"Hello." Nayara said, looking at him with a small smile.

"I'm here to ask you some questions if that's alright." Gordon told her. Nayara nodded at him. "Did you recognize the men?" Gordon asked her.

"No. They were wearing masks." Nayara said to him. Then she spotted a set of black hair and blue eyes coming her way. "And I don't know anybody who could have a grudge against me, nor anybody I know. I just came here in Gotham to visit." Nayara added.

"Gotham to visit?" Gordon asked her. It was not a city that anybody would want to visit unless they had families there. "Anybody in particular you came to visit?" Gordon asked her.

"No. I just came to get to know the city. I heard it has a handful of cool heroes." Nayara answered him. The brunette gave him a weak smile. 

The man sadly returned it. "And villains too sadly. This is not a city a young girl by herself should be at. It's dangerous." Gordon warned her. The young girl reminded him of his own daughter.

"I arrived earlier to the hotel. You know, before the sun fell down for that reason." Nayara added. Gordon nodded at her. "I guess I'm getting the full Gotham experience." Nayara joked. Gordon sent her a small smile, shaking his head. "I sometimes tend to crack up jokes in very stressful situations. You can't be afraid when you laugh, or even stressed." Nayara explained to him.

"Have you called your family?" Gordon asked her. Nayara nodded at him. A few minutes ago, she had called Barry, telling him that she was fine and that he should not worry. Mainly because she didn't want him to arrive suddenly, which would be weird. Plus, it will draw too much unwanted attention. It will be a coincidence that Central City's hero will suddenly show up when a situation like this happened in Gotham.

"How many people were hurt?" Nayara asked Gordon. The man did not answer, knowing that it will not help the situation.

"Not many." Gordon lied to her. Nayara knew that was a lie, but decided to let it go. She knew Gordon had lied just to ease the girl's worries. 

"Commissioner Gordon, someone is on the phone. It's urgent." An officer said to him. Gordon gave the girl one's last nod before leaving.

Richard approached her quietly, taking a seat next to her. "Alfred is on his way here." Richard told her. "Bruce said you will be safer at home back in Wayne Manor. It's less of a public place like this." Richard explained.

"I can't put that burden on you guys, look what they did to the people here." Nayara said, nodding towards the dead bodies. "I think they were being led by somebody." Nayara whispered to him.

"Why?" Richard asked her.

"Because when one of them tried to shoot me, another one said that their boss wanted me alive." Nayara whispered to him. "Where's Bruce?" Nayara whispered, knowing that Bruce should have been done fighting crime by now. 

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