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       DESPITE POPULAR BELIVE Nayara did not mind high school. She enjoyed learning. She loved it. However, being stuck back in it right when you were about to graduate was not exactly something she was enjoying. Emma let her choose between staying at Xavier's school or continuing on in a normal school in Manhattan. Emma thought it will be great for her, and decided to do some of her research herself. 

When the words came out of Emma's mouth she was surprised at hearing the woman's voice saying: you are going to Midtown High School. The girl was in shock, and she didn't know how to tell her how going there will only complicate things. She was not oblivious to the name of the high school, which was home to no other than Peter Parker. But how was she going to tell Emma Frost that the boy that went there could complicate things? Oh, yes. Peter Parker aka Spiderman goes there and he knows I might not be from here. 

Now, neither less to say she was stuck at the start of a new school year. In a different world. Where she didn't know anybody. Anybody. Well, except the Parker boy; but she wanted to keep her distance of him. 

Emma parked the car in front of the school. "You need an education to succeed. I want you to do so. There is nothing as 

"You are smart and pretty. You got the whole combo." Nayara pointed out. Emma send her a quick smile before montioning her to leave. "Why here? I mean, I have second thoughts." 

"Are you going to tell me what is making your so anxious? Is just a school." 

"It's what is inside, that I can't tell you because I don't want to reveal someone's identity. This is so hard for me." Nayara told her, resting her back on the seat. 

"You have been brave so far. Now you got to continue doing that." Emma told her. "It's just high school. You said so yourself last night, this is a parallel world just like yours...just with mutants and people with capes." Emma told her. "Now, go on." Emma told her. 

Nayara nodded. "What if they ask me where I am from? What do I say? I am tired of telling lies. I am not a liar." Nayara told her. 

"They don't answer. Tell them partly the truth. You should not be worried about anything." Emma told her. 

Nayara took a deep breath before opening the door of the car. She took her backpack and closed it. She waved goodbye to Emma before turning to face the high school. 

"Just high school. Just high school." Nayara told herself quietly, starting to walk through the doors. 

. . . 

Nayara hated a few things in life, one of them was being late. There were people who didn't mind, but her? Oh, she despised it. It made her anxious to run against time itself. And now she was being late to her first period. 

She kept her eyes opened for Peter Parker, who seemed to not be here. However, her hopes where to die quickly when she opened the door to her chemistry class. The professor looked at her and then at her watch. 

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was trying to figure out my way around her. Nayara Lilly." She told the woman. She extended her hand, and the professor shook. "It wouldn't happen again, madam." She added. 

The woman looked down at her book, looking for a name. "I don't have you on my list." The woman said. 

Nayara brushed the hair off her face. "It's because...I just got here. Oh, the woman at the front desk told me to give this to you." Nayara told the woman, passing her a paper. 

"Now you are. Please take a seat next to Mr.Parker, please." She said. 

Nayara froze in shock. "Pardon?" Nayara asked, thinking that she had heard wrong. 

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