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      PORTALS OPENED ACROSS the nation, creating absolute chaos. Nobody knew what was happening of who was falling down those portals. Well, everyone except Nayara. Nayara waited in the harbor next to Richard who had given her a ride to outside the city with the Hulk following right behind.

The brunette sat down next to the Hulk in the harbor, while Richard contacted his mentor. "Puny god gone." Hulk said to Nayara. Nayara looked at him carefully, wondering if he was indeed referring to Loki.

"Is..is Loki dead?" She asked softly, her heart breaking at the possibility.

Hulk shook his head. "Puny god left. Steve mad." Hulk said to her. "Hulk worried, friend. Friend gone too. Friend no goodbye." Hulk added.

"I know. I'm sorry. I had to leave because I was in danger. Are they treating you alright?" Nayara asked him.

"Hulk escape bad guys." Hulk told her. "Hulk trapped." He added before letting out a frustrated roar, catching Richard's attention.

"Is Captain okay? Is Steve Rogers okay?" Nayara asked him. Hulk shook his head.

"Captain sad like Hulk. Friend gone." Hulk answered Nayara. Nayara gave him one weak smile, feeling a little bit guilty now that she knew Steve was worried sick about her.

Barry skipped to a halt in his Flash costume, seeing Nayara from a distance due the lights in Richard's motorcycle. The brunette thought that the best option was to move Hulk away from the city and Richard had volunteered to come with her.

"Oh my." Flash said, looking at the Hulk. "Are you okay?" Flash asked her. Nayara nodded at him, standing up to meet him.

"What are going to do?" Nayara asked him.

Flash shrugged, keeping his eyes at Hulk. "Hi!" He said, waving at him. Hulk did not reply. "You tell me. You are an expert in this." Flash told her. Nayara shrugged at him.

"I'm an expert in comics not portal opening things like this. I have no idea how to stop it. You are the scientist out of the two of us." Nayara replied to him. "As far as I know, those things open to the Marvel world, but the problem is why does he want to do that and what is coming out of those things. What I am going to do is an evil alien just passes on of those and decides to conquer this world? Well, I don't know." Nayara added, shaking her head.

While the two friends bickered away, Richard answered a call from his mentor. "Bruce, what do you need?" Richard asked him.

"Where are you? I have been calling and you haven't picked up the phone." Bruce questioned him.

Richard looked at Nayara. "I got distracted." He commented. "Have you seen what is happening? We clearly got a situation." Richard told him.

"I need you on the Batcave back right now. We need all the help we can get." Bruce said to him.

Richard sighed, looking at Nayara wondering if it was best leaving her with a green man who seemed to have anger issues. "I...I..just wait a second." Richard said on the phone, walking quickly to Nayara who was still bickering with Flash. "Nayara." He called her out.

The brunette turned to look at Richard. "Yeah?" She asked him.

"I have to go. Will you alright?" Richard asked her. Nayara nodded at him, knowing he had people to save.

Barry narrowed his eyes at the boy who seemed to look at Nayara a little bit too long before leaving. "I got Flash. I'm fine." Nayara said to Richard watching how he retrieved some things from his motorcycle. The raven-haired boy came back with an old receipt in his hand. Richard came back, handing the receipt to Nayara. "Call me if you need anything? You should come back to Gotham and visit some time." Richard said before sending her a small smirk. The boy walked back to his motorcycle and put his helmet on before driving away.

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