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     NATASHA ROMANOFF SAT on the couch at Avenger's mansion as she waited for Steve to come back with the news of the new bridge that had opened. The red-haired assassin was quietly sitting until she felt a huge gush of wind hit her face.

The assassin in a blink of an eye, pulled out her gun. She was shocked to see Bruce Banner quietly looking around right in front of her. "Bruce?" Natasha asked him, looking at the confused scientist.

Then suddenly Tony Stark stood in front of Natasha. The billionaire hero frowned when he realized where he was. Panic settled in his eyes as he looked around for the young brunette who had been next to him a second ago. Tony swore, taking a hold of the bridge of her nose. "JARVIS, get me a suit right now!" Tony said frowning. "Damn it! That speedster!" Tony said in annoyance. "And that damn child! I don't understand how she is that sneaky!" Tony said to himself.

"Which child?" Natasha asked him.

"A child!" Tony exclaimed in annoyance as a new suit placed itself on top of his body. Tony did not even look at Natasha nor Banner before he left off in a hurry.

Natasha looked at Bruce for an explanation. "How did you guys end up in here?" Natasha asked Bruce.

Bruce shrugged. "I don't know. One minute I was next to this man in a red suit and the next I'm here." Bruce said to her.

Natasha pulled out her cellphone, dialing Steve's phone number. "Steve. I found Banner. He is standing right next to me." Natasha said through the phone. "Where are you?" She asked him.

"I'm making my way over the where you said the portal was." Steve said, raising his voice slightly due to the volume of the traffic. As he raised up his speed, he saw the iconic red suit of Tony shining above in the sky. "Wait, I see Tony." Steve said to her through the phone. "Got to go." Steve added before hanging up the phone call.

"Where did you even come from?" Natasha asked Bruce.

"It's a long story." Bruce said to her with a small smile. There was suddenly another gush of wind, a two more missing people were left off next to Bruce.

"What in the world?" Natasha said, seeing how every time she closed her eyes for a brief second another person will appear along with the gush of wind. She was unaware of the person who was doing this was just Flash who thought it will be good to speed things up a little bit so that Nayara could focus on trying to check on Steve.

Meanwhile above the sky, Tony was in his best attempt to find the portal he had been just dropped off from. "JARVIS, scan the entire city for high energy emitters." Tony said to his suit. He stopped suddenly seeing a flash passed through the street. "JARVIS track down the source of that red streak, right now." Tony said to him. He sighed.

Tony closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. He tried to remember where he had been the last couple of hours in an attempt to figure out where Nayara might be....

There was a giant door in front of the metal room. Nayara stood worriedly next to it. Tony walked up to her. Nayara looked at Tony with a small smile. "Take good care of yourself, Tony." Nayara said to him. "Try to avoid any other portal, and.... please get some ice on that face before your face gets swollen." Nayara said to him, standing right next to the portal. The girl dusted off some dust from Tony's shoulder. "And patch up things with Steve. You guys are friends, best friends." She added.

Tony frowned, looking at her. "You have been gone for a while, kid." Tony said to her. "Some things can't be patched up." Tony added.

"Only if you let them be that way, Tony." Nayara said, looking at the billionaire. "You are a good man with a big heart. You always try to save everyone you can...even the ones that you can't and that shows how good of a man you are. People might joke about you not having a heart, but you do. You have a heart, a soul that is worth millions." Nayara added. Tony looked at her listening quietly to her words. "Steve saw that. He might be annoyed at your sarcastic remarks from time to time but deep down he too is sometimes amused by it. I amused by it all the time. You are quite a funny man, Tony." Nayara continued. She took deep breaths. "Steve knows you so well. He believes in you. He cares for you. You mean a lot to him. It will destroy him if you let this...I don't know...minimal dispute between the two break your bond." Nayara finished, looking at Tony dead in the eye.

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