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               THE YOUNG BRUNETTE was doing a dangerous thing: getting stuck in problems that didn't concern her at all. Some might have called her naive, bold, risk-taker, or even as she called herself sometimes: just stupid.

Nayara was keeping this away from Emma. The reason why? Simple, if the blonde found out she would have gone ballistic and send her to the school. Possibly locking her in her room for the rest of her eternity. It pained her keeping this from Emma, she had trusted her and aid her when she had nobody. The girl felt like she was breaking the trust she gained from the woman and it pained her, but she was not stopping now. People needed her help, and she had to stop this man since she knew the danger he had within himself. So Nayara, took the simplest decision, the rest of the world before herself.

She was standing in front a private detective's office. It took her a while to find it, but she knew she will eventually do. The girl took a deep breath before she knocked on the door.

The golden letters were starting to fade, and she could have sworn she had seen a cockroach pass next to her. Thankfully those little disgusting bugs wouldn't be bothering her now that the door had opened.

Nayara stopped, watching how a tall woman with a lethar jacket stood in front of her. She had a strong build, that was hidden by the jacket she wore. Her hair was as dark as the night, and her annoyed face was on. "Umm...hi. I-" Nayara started but was cut off by the woman.

"If you are here to sell me girl scout cookies, then don't. I think I have gained a few pounds due to them." The woman said to her.

"Actually, I'm here looking for Jessica Jones." Nayara said, even though she knew she was standing right in front of her.

The woman looked at her. "What for?" The woman asked her.

"I need help finding my parents...and someone recommended her to me." Nayara said. "They disappeared. I'm trying to find them." Nayara told added.

Jessica Jones opened the door, allowing the young girl to enter the office. She followed Jessica to her desk. "I'm Jessica Jones. When was the last time you have talked to your parents?" Jessica asked her.

"More than three months ago." Nayara answered.

"And you come now?" Jessica asked her.

"I was staying with a family friend actually. I thought my parents have gone on a trip or something. I just thought they will be back by now." Nayara told her. "I think something happened to them. I saw them talking once to some man with purple eyes. He came to our home, and I don't remember what he said." Nayara told her. She saw Jessica Jones stiffen. She felt bad playing crudely at the lies she was telling Jessica Jones, but it was a matter of survival after all.

"When did you last saw him?" Jessica asked her.

"The last time I saw my parents. I never got to see his face. I just know he had purple eyes, or that is what my dad had mentioned. Probably wearing contacts or something." Nayara added. The girl saw how Jessica Jones stiffen and picked up a notepad. "How much is it going to cost me?" Nayara asked her.

Jessica Jones shook her head. "You can pay me after I find where you parents are." Jessica told her. "Did somebody send you over?" Jessica asked her, narrowing her eyes at her.

"I don't understand the question." Nayara answered.

"Did somebody send you over? Do you remember talking to a man?" Jessica asked her.

"No. Nobody." Nayara told her.

Jessica picked up a photograph a man with a small beard and brown hair. She showed it to the girl. "Did you saw that man?" Jessica asked her, slower this time. Nayara remained silent looking at him. She suspected it might be the mysterious man she was trying to find.

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