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                PETER WAS DIYING to talk to the girl he had been crushing on for months. Of course, he  had stayed away as she wished to do. He promised her, even if it pained her. He will watch her from a far walk home. Or even just after her when she was at home. He noticed more and more she was less by herself. Instead, he will usually see Wolverine with her. He will pick her up, when Emma could not. 

He was not the only one who had taken a hit at that. Carter was another one. She tried talking to Nayara, but she will leave and go and seat in the back of the school alone. She knew something had decently happened, or if not she would not have stopped talking to Peter at least. That was why she was taking matters into her own hands.  

When school finished, Peter will leave quickly to watch over Nayara. While Carter will take a different route home. One that passed next to the office she has been going on for a few days now, after Nayara stopped talking to her. She knocked on the door with big gold letters. She glared at the floor when she saw a bug on the floor. 

The door opened, reviling the some what tall raven haired woman. "Hi, Jessica Jones. I was wondering if you had anything on my friend Nayara?" Carter asked her. 

The woman opened more the door, letting the girl inside. The closed the door behind her, watching how the tall young adult sat down in a chair. "Something." She told her. "She came to me last year." Jessica told her. "Searching for her parents." She added. 

"She doesn't have parents. She lives with her guardian. Emma Frost. She is the CEO of Frost International." Carter told her. 

Jessica Jones frowned, looking down at the her notes. "How long has she been living her?" She asked her.

Carter shrugged. "Umm...I don't know. I guess since I have known her. She loves Emma. She really admires her and is very thankful for her. She is kind of her mother." Carter told her. 

"She never mentioned her parents to me at least." Carter told her. "Once I invited her for a sleepover and she told me later that she had to go and ask Emma. Then she explained it to me. Quite a cool woman, you know." Carter added. 

"You know this man?" Jessica asked Carter, pulling a photograph she had taken two days ago. In the photo was Nayara and Logan walking together. Nayara of course was taking non stop while the the mutant listened to her. 

Carter nodded at her. "Yeah, he picks her up after school. She used to go home alone sometimes, but not anymore. I think it has to do with something. Something that I have been trying to find out. She came home with a big bruised face and then her nose was swollen. She wouldn't say anything. No even to Peter Parker." Carter told Jessica. "He is...used to be really close to her." Carter corrected. 

"They go to the same high school?" Jessica asked her. 

"Yeah. I think they knew each other from before. They seemed like it." Carter told her. She sighed, testing both arms on the table. "I just want to know if my friend is say and what is going with her. I'm worried about her. I know she is a reserved person...but she is my friend....and I she is really important to me. I want to help her. I just don't know how to. She wouldn't let me in." Carter told her, shaking her head. 

"When did this change again?" Jessica asked her. 

"Three days before I came to you. It was the day she returned from school. She told me to stay away. I think she did the same to Peter." Carter informed her. Carter checked her watched and noticed she was going to be late for lacrosse practice if she didn't hurry. "I have to go, but thank you." Carter told her. She stood up and walked out of the office. "Just hold on, Nayara. I will find a way to help you." She whispered to herself before walking out. 

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