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          NAYARA LAUGHED AS she held her stomach. Peter was laughing next to her, shaking his head. "You are telling me that you were terrified of the Grinch?" Peter asked her. The girl nodded at him. Peter's laugh was contagious, which was why she was laughing because of him. 

"I was terrified. He creeps me out. Just like E.T." Nayara answered him. "Love Steven Spielberg, but that alien gave me nightmares." Nayara added, taking some of the popcorn was that in the bowl between the two. 

Peter chuckled at this. "I'm scare of clowns." Peter told her. Nayara smiled at him. 

"I have never been scare of them." Nayara said. "Thanks for coming by the way." Nayara added, before reaching out to take a sip of her water. 

Peter gave her a giant smile. The ones that make every girl's knee grew weak. Just because it showed true happiness, and this just made Nayara happy. "I mean, you texted me saying there was an emergency because you didn't know which film to watch tonight and you needed my help." Peter said, shaking his head at the brunette. 

"Well, I needed your help. Unless you, mister, are too busy doing hero stuff." Nayara said, resting her head on the back of the couch as she looked at Peter, who was sitting one the opposite side of the bowl.  

Peter laughed at her. 

It has been a long time since he had laughed this long, and with somebody. 

A long time. 

Peter turned to face her fully. "Well, I will have come here anyway." Peter told her, giving her a small smile. "Because not matter what is happening outside, you will always be my priority." Peter told her. 

"So, you are telling me that all those people out there are non-important?" Nayara asked, smirking at him. Peter nodded at her with confidence. 

"Not when I'm with you." Peter confessed to her. Nayara leant and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, leaving the boy frozen on his spot. Nayara quickly flee with the excuse she had to refill the popcorn. Peter hummed a response to her, as he watched her go. 

Nayara leant on the wall opposite to the fridge. She rested her head on the wall, blaming herself for forgetting about Peter. Forgetting that she can not get involved with him because he was destined to be with somebody else. She sighed, waiting to make new popcorn. 

Peter felt his phone buzz, and he quickly stood up from his seat. He silently cursed when he saw it was Aunt May. "Hi, Aunt May." Peter said through the phone. 

Peter sighed, pacing around the room. "Where on earth are you Peter Parker? I was about to call on the police! You are two hours late!" Aunt May said through the phone with pure fury. Peter checked down his watch, noticing he the time. 

"Aunt May, I'm fine. I'm with a friend. I didn't know what time it was." Peter told her. 

"You have a watch for that." Aunt May told him, shaking her head. Peter sighed again, seeing Nayara come to the room. She saw she was taking on the phone and she mooned walk back to the kitchen, giving the boy some privacy. This made Peter laugh. "Why are you laughing? This isn't funny at all." May added. 

"I'm sorry, Aunt May. I got distracted." Peter told her. "I'm really sorry. I will there in a few." Peter told her. 

"Where are you this late, Peter?" May asked her nephew. 

"I'm at Nayara's." Peter said, scratching his neck. 

May silently cursed, and thought of her next words. "Oh, okay." She answered. "Will you please get home? I am worried. I was worried." May told Peter. Peter nodded at her, even though he couldn't see her. 

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