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        NAYARA WAS TIRED of feeling out of place. She was thankful that Xavier had asked someone to drive the girl to get some other clothes and the vital things. Nayara was surprised that the man was putting so much faith in her. She knew he was kind, and considerate, but she was shocked that her plan had worked. 

She was walking with one of her heroes: Emma Frost through the mall, while shopping for everything needed. The woman had volunteered, wanting to know how the girl had so much knowledge of the mutant world, that even herself did not had; and she was a fairly genius person. 

Nayara debated wether to accept the money of the mutant leader, but Emma convinced her. The two of them were stuck in a mall in downtown Manhattan who Emma had drove her. She told her it was nice to drive away from the mansion to take a nice breath. Emma remained quiet for most of it, watching how Nayara watched everything around her. 

"Where are you from?" Emma asked her. 

Nayara looked at her. "I used to live in Chicago, but I was born in Boston." Nayara answered, being honest with her. 

"It's a long way." Emma commented her. 

"I know. I didn't asked for it. It just happened. I'm still trying to figure it out myself." she told the woman with all honestly. 

"Boston, huh? I'm from there." Emma told her, trying to start a conversation with the quiet girl whose thoughts were louder and faster than anyones. Emma refrained herself from reading them. 

"I k-" Nayara started, but stoped before her words came out. "I know it is a nice place." She said, correction her words. She was about to say something when she saw crash inside the mall. She saw the green suit and knew who it was. "Goblin." She whispered. 

"What?" Emma asked her. 

Nayara looked at the family who was trying to get away from the man. She sighed, racing towards them, ignoring the cries of Emma Frost. She saw the Goblin throw a small orange pumpkin the girl knew too well, and without hesitation she kicked it away from the family. The girl was thrown backwards from the blast, causing her to crash against a pillar. 

Nayara coughed, getting a sight of the Goblin. Emma stopped half way, figuring a way to get the girl out of here without getting too much attention. Before she could react, Spiderman had come swopping in, landing in front of Nayara. 

The hero looked down at her. "You again?" He asked her. 

"Don't look at me, look at the villain you idiot." Nayara said, coughing again. 

"Right." Spiderman said, turning to face the villain who was zooming towards him. 

"Get the overboard, first...and be careful with the pumpkins, they are bombs." Nayara said to him as he fought the Goblin. 

"Just a heads up. I actually have a high IQ." Spiderman replied. 

"It was a figure of speech. I know you do." Nayara yelled at him. Emma ran towards the girl, pulling her up. 

"We have to go." She told her. Nayara nodded, accepting the help from Emma. Nayara yelp in pain, holding the side of her chest. "Where does it hurt?" She asked. 

"Everywhere." She sighed. 

"Well, that's what you get by jumping into the fight without thinking. That could have killed you." Emma told her, helping her towards the garage. The blonde stopped when she heard crashing. She saw from a far Spiderman tiding up the Goblin against a pillar. Emma quickly helped Nayara to the car, ignoring the hero. She put the bags in the pack seat, while she looked at the girl for any sight of damage, or even the slight peck of blood. 

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