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         NAYARA WAS NEVER a liar. She was an honest person, and now she was fearing how quickly she lied to the people around her. It was plain survival really. She had to think her words carefully, and sometimes blend truth. Specially now that she was stuck in an Avenger's tower, and it was Spiderman's fault. 

Peter Parker just wanted to help her. He saw how disoriented she was, so he took the time to try and find his missing mysterious girl who might have seen a little loony at first. Nayara would have agreed with him if she ever knew what he thought. 

Now she sat in the middle of the living room. "Why did you took me here?" Nayara asked him, looking at him with an exasperated look. 

Peter looked down at her. "I thought it will help." 

"How? I'm stuck here in the Avenger's tower because of you. I'm not running away because you will shoot another web and trap me again." Nayara said, standing up. "This is kinapping. I didn't want to come here in the first place." 

"You were lost and I'm just trying to help." Peter told her. 

"Who is?" A voice said from behind the two teens. Nayara looked over her shoulder, her breath taken the way by the sight of the two person coming. 

"A friend." Peter answered the question. 

Nayara rolled her eyes, looking at Peter. "We aren't friends, web-slinger." She corrected him. She turned around to look at the woman who entered with the a man. Nayara tried to calm her breathing when she saw the two of them. It was her role model and the hero she loved to the moon and back: Carol Danvers and Steve Rogers. 

"She is completely lost. I don't think she is from here." Peter blurted out to Carol Danvers who had taken off her helmet. Her spiked hair, made Nayara more excited. 

Nayara gulped when the two blonde heroes stood in front of them. "I-I..." She started, but was unable to form any words. 

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Peter joked. Nayara held back her urge to punch him. 

"I should say the same thing to you. You loose your mind when Black Cat arrives." Nayara whispered to him. Peter turned to look at her and pointed at her. "I read the news." Nayara told him. Nayara turned to face the two heroes. "There has been a misunderstanding. You see, Spider-Man kinapped me without a reason too. I was waiting for my mom outside the store, and then he just showed up." 

Steve looked at Peter disapprovingly, while Carol was half amused by the situation. "Peter, I-" Steve started. 

"I...I-It's okay, sir. I bet he just confused me with someone else." Nayara cut him, dressing Captain America himself, while she tried to calm her own nerves. 

"That's a lie because she isn't from here. She knows my name. I didn't know what to do." Peter exclaimed. The eyes moved from Peter to Nayara, who had to take a seat. Nayara sighed. "She said that everyone knew I was under a mask, I didn't know what to do so I bought her here." Peter told them. 

Nayara looked at Steve Rogers and then at Carol Danvers. "That part is true." Nayara mumbled, looking down at the floor. 

"What do you mean by everyone?" Steve asked her. 

Nayara looked up to him and quickly looked down, trying to figure out a way of solving this problem she was stuck in. She knew if she lied to Steve, she will feel bad and possibly get herself into a more trouble. 

She decided not to lie and just tell a part of the truth. 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you two." Nayara told the two heroes. "And I will prefer if bug-boy wasn't here." Nayara told the two. "I swear I don't come here to harm anybody. As Peter said, I'm lost and I'm trying to find a way back home." Nayara informed them. 

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