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    NAYARA WAS AWARE of the threat that was present with Sharon running around with Illusion. The brunette had set up everything to make sure that whenever Sharon popped in, she will get the notification. However that didn't meant she was not looking around her shoulder 24/7.

The issue at hand now was not only Sharon, but Illusion as well. Someone wanted her alive, but who? Why? It could have been any villain who knew about her. But had Sharon really revealed who she was to others? If that were true this will lead to complete chaos. Even more so than the last time the portals to Marvel opened.

She also knew that she was indirectly on house arrest. Every time she said she will go out, Barry will leave to get what ever she needed. It was nice that he cared but she also knew the possibility of Sharon showing up at Barry's apartment just like she had once done. She needed to go out and find her own place, just like she had been planning.

Nayara sighed, looking out of the window at the streets below. Through the endless night she had been able to pick up the patterns of the neighbors from the neighboring buildings. It was as if this was the last escapism she could reach. It was either that or falling back to sleep to endless nightmares.

Knock, Knock!

Nayara looked at the door. "Nayara I know you are at home." Bruce said from the other side of the door.

Nayara opened the door to her favorite hero. "You are still living here?" Bruce asked her.

"Well I was looking out for apartments but I am on house arrest." Nayara told Bruce. Bruce seemed amused at that. "I have been stuck here for about two weeks now. I already ran out of things to do and search. Got anything for me to look into?" Nayara added.

Bruce walked inside the apartment, spotting the new security sensors Nayara had set up herself. Alfred had instructed her on what to do via video call.

Nayara closed the door behind him. "Barry worries that it will happen again." Nayara told Bruce.

"I haven't found anything of who could possibly want you alive." Bruce told her.

She didn't concern at all at the lack of information. "But you will. You always do." Nayara said with a small smile.

Bruce sighed looking around the apartment. Nayara silently knew he still didn't get used to people putting so much faith in him. He didn't like being the symbol of Gotham, and all the spotlight. "I need your help with something." Bruce said to her as he pulled out something from his coat.

He handed her a plane ticket, which confused her. But she accepted it nonetheless. "How much control do you have of your powers?" Bruce asked her.

Nayara hesitated for a second, looking at the ticket and then at Bruce. "You know I am in house arrest? Right?" She asked Bruce. He acted if that wasn't a big deal. Deep down she guessed he already knew that wasn't going to stop her from going out if he asked her.

She sighed, looking up at Bruce. "I haven't touch the ring since I fought Superman." Nayara told Bruce.

"I wasn't talking about the ring." Bruce replied to her.

Nayara then understood what he was talking about. "I don't know. I really haven't had the chance to practice controlling my powers. Not since the whole Sharon thing started." Nayara said to him. "I was always been looking over my shoulder. One thing after the another." Nayara commented.

Bruce nodded at her. "I think it's time we change that." Bruce said to her. He pointed at the plane ticket in her hand. "I will send a car. They will be here in thirty minutes." Bruce said to her walking out of the door.

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