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              NAYARA OPENED THE door to the room with some help from Hank McCoy himself. She could not hold all the pizza in one hand. When Kara saw who was behind Nayara she stood up from the bed. Once Nayara put the food on the floor she noticed Kara looking at Beast. "Oh, that's Hank. He is helping me with all this. He is a friend of mine." Nayara told Kara. 

Hank nodded at her. "Where do you want this?" He asked Nayara. 

"You can put them here." Nayara said, pointing next to the her own pile. The man nodded at them before leaving. Nayara turned to Kara. "I promise I will help you back to your world." Nayara said to her. "Do you by any chance know how to build one of those alien machines that kind open up portals between worlds? Because maybe that could work." Nayara told her, handling her a whole box of food. 

Kara accepted it, and smiled when the smell hit her. She ate a piece of pizza, and looked at Nayara with her mouth full of food. "I don't know how to." She said while she covered her mouth with her hand. "Sorry." She said after swallowing. Nayara laughed smiling at her. 

"I bet me and Theodore will figure something out." Nayara said, sitting opposite to the girl. She grapped a slice of pizza. "He is already in the process of getting you an ID care for the sake of my sanity you will still be Kara Danvers just not born in National City...because National City doesn't exist in this world. Nayara told her with a big smile. "I promise you I will help you get back to your world Kara Danvers." Nayara promised her. "I swear I will." She added. 

Kara smiled at her. "Thank you." She told her. "So...ummm...in your world. Not this one. Am I like famous?" Kara asked her. 

"Somewhat. Not as famous as Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman, but pretty famous. I just think you are way cooler than your cousin." Nayara told her. "Sorry if that sounded rude or anything." She quickly added. 

"Not at all." Kara answered. "It's nice that people think I'm cooler than Kal-El." She told her. 

"People underestimate you, but I truly believe you will win a fight against him." Nayara said to her. "My dad loves-loved Superman. He will lift me up in the air and do tricks you know. I never grew that love for Superman as much for Batman." Nayara told Supergirl. Kara smiled at her. "Sorry...it's just...I'm still trying to figure out a way to talk without umm...freaking people out. I crashed here last year. I didn't know where I was. A woman bought me into the hospital, and I thought, why don't I call my parents. Nobody could get a hang of them. Then I heard a woman talk about the Sentinels Services and I thought it was some kind of prank. You know? Turned out it was not. I ran away, and went straight to Manhattan to find somebody else who could help me. In the process I saw boy dressed up as Spider-Man - which turned out to be actually Spider-Man - and I said that he wasn't." Nayara told her. 

"Because people with power don't exist in your world." Kara added. Nayara nodded at this. "And you freaked out a lot when you found out it was true. I would have freak out too." Kara told her. 

"Then he picked me up into the hair and while chatting with him about how everyone knows his identity...I saw the Avengers tower which does not exist in my world. It was just there. Then I realized that I wasn't were I am supposed to be." Nayara told her. 

Kara smile widen, shaking her head. "You told the boy you knew his identity?" She asked her. 

Nayara nodded at her. "I know and everyone in my world knows their identity, but here they don't so...I tried to remove his mask as well." Nayara told her. Kara laughed at her. "I know, I would have laughed if I was not in the situation I was in." Nayara told her. "If you don't mind me asking, how the hell did you end up here?" Nayara asked her. 

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