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     NAYARA'S PHONE RANG rapidly from its place in the sofa. Nayara picked up, hearing Barry's voice from the other line. "Nay, are you alright?" Barry said from the other line.

"Yeah, are you off power as well?" Nayara asked him.

"Yes. The blackout has hit the entire country. Just stay inside Kara's apartment." Barry told her.

"Well of course. I'm not an idiot." Nayara told Barry. "Are you in Star Labs?" Nayara asked him as she took a seat near the coach.

"Well, I'm on my way the-" Barry's words were cut off by the sound of something crashing, which was then followed by a groan coming from Barry.

"Barry are you okay?" Nayara asked with a slight worry. Another groan came from Barry, giving her the answer. "Barry, come on. Running without guidance what so ever, I thought you will smarter than that. It is just common sense." Nayara said with pure annoyance in her voice. "I think we must take this as a sign that you must include night vision in your suit. It will come on handy." Nayara added.

"I will keep that in mind." Barry replied as he avoided another wall. "Why were you asking if I was in Star Labs?" Barry asked her.

"I wanted to know if you could actually figure out a way to know if a wormhole was opened. Kind of like the one we passed through while coming to this world." Nayara told him as she typed away, but everything was down.

"You wouldn't ask that if-" Barry stopped, realizing what Nayara was trying to do. "Did you saw a portal being opened?" Barry asked her.

"Yeah, Kara's sister is going there to see what it was. But I saw something she didn't." Nayara whispered to Barry. "I saw something small coming off it and into this world. What it is? I have no idea. There is just one thing that I am worried about." Nayara told him.

"Which is?" Barry asked her.

"If that portal comes from within this world, and if not, then we got a giant problem. Who knows who could come out of those things." Nayara answered.

"Come on, alien invasion? Been there. People from a parallel earth? Been there. What is next, a giant to take over the earth?" Barry joked.

"Don't test it." Nayara answered back. She heard shuffling and looked up to see Kara coming closer. "I'm talking to Barry." Nayara informed her. "I don't know if what I saw falling is dangerous or not. I'm trying to figure it out." Nayara said to her.

"Have you read any comics which had people falling off portals?" Kara asked her.

"Honestly, with what I have been through, I don't know if to believe this theory or not." Nayara told her, silently going through her memory to pin point the answer to Kara's question. "There might be a possibility." She mumbled to herself.

However, it seemed like the night had just begun.


A loud explosion was heard. The windows trembled, and the apartment shook. Nayara looked at Kara worriedly. "What was that?" Nayara asked her. Kara send her a look before flying off before Nayara could protest. "Barry, are you still there?" Nayara said through the phone with a wary voice. 

"I'm right here, Nayara." Barry answered.

"Now that you are here, I need a huge favor. Do you by any chance have Batman's phone number?" Nayara asked him.

. . .

Steve stood at the balcony of the Avenger's tower. "You know, I'm starting to think Tony should have better security." Emma said as she entered the balcony.

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