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                    NAYARA WAS SICK, thanks to the cold weather and rain she had to deal with the previous two days. This meant that she was stuck in bed with a horrible fever. She had never felt this sick until two years ago when she got a horrible cold in which she slept almost everyday. She was never to take naps, but she still did when her entire body felt like it was about to die of tiredness. 

On that moment, she missed her mother. She missed how she will even cuddle with her when she felt sick, but she could not to her right now. Thankfully, Emma arrived quickly and asked her if she was alright and what happened. 

To Nayara's surprised, James did not said anything to Emma. She did not know if to worry or be happy about it. She knew Emma knew, and the Professor did as well and when she talked to James she let out thoughts and worries she had to talk to someone before she exploded. 

Of course, she left out the part about Steve's conversation when Emma asked her. Emma called the school telling them that the girl was sick. The blonde took a seat next to Nayara, handling her a warm cup of tea while the girl coughed her lugs out. 

Emma sat down next to her, as she brushed the hair of the girl's face. She noticed the tears falling out of the girls eyes. Emma stayed quiet watching how Nayara sat up in bed and dried her tears. She acted like it was nothing, and this worried Emma. 

"Why are you crying?" Emma asked her. The girl shrugged drinking her tea. "You know you can talk to me." Emma told the girl. 

"I don't want to cry, Emma." Nayara whispered to her. "I feel like I don't need to, but I can't help it." Nayara added, her voice crackling. "I miss my mom, Emma. I miss my family." She whispered as she tried to hold the tears. 

"Don't hold back the tears. Never do. When you bottle emotions, it hurts and it not good. Talk to me." Emma told her. Nayara let out a sob as she let the tears fall down her face. Emma hesitated before bring the girl into a hug. "It's okay. It's okay." She whispered to her as she hugged the young teen. 

"I feel lost Emma. I feel alone. I feel out of place. I don't know what to do." Nayara whispered to her. "I hate all this knowledge, or this emotions. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have gotten myself into this problem." Nayara whispered at Emma. 

"You didn't, Nayara." Emma told her. "Now rest." Emma added before fixing the blanket on top of her. "Did you know the man? The one who tried to kill you." Emma asked her. 

Nayara shook her head. "He wasn't trying to kill me, Emma. He was trying to kill Steve. Steve Rogers." Nayara said, before coughing. 

"What were you doing with Steve Rogers?" Emma asked her. 

"He said he was walking me home. I was telling him no when the man arrived." Nayara lied before closing her eyes. Emma nodded before leaving the girl and closing the door behind her. 

"How is she doing?" A voice said behind her. Emma turned around, looking James Howlett. 

"She is doing bad. She is got fever and everything. I bought her some tea. I am going to go and see if they have medicine for the cough. It was the damn rain and the cold." Emma told him. Emma sighed. "If you excuse me." She said before walking away. 

. . . 

Nayara got better after a few days in bed. Or at least better enough to go to school. She opened her locker, sighing as the piercing headache intensified. "Nayara? You are back?" A voice said behind her. Nayara looked at Peter from over her shoulder. 

"Yeah." She said in a low voice. 

Peter reminded silent, seeing the slight pale face of Nayara. "What happened?" Peter asked her. 

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