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         NAYARA WAS A good person. From a young age she was taught to do the right thing. To be kind to others, and to watch out for herself. Anyone who saw her saw that. Especially Peter who even before he started dating the girl, he saw how she was willing to sacrifice everything for the ones she care about. Just like any real hero would. 

Peter was not the only one who knew about this. Steve, Emma and especially Logan knew it too. It was the main reason why Steve was still filled with immense guilt. The weight of the guilt was practically crashing him into the floor. He heard from Tony that the girl had resigned her internship, which made him even more guilty. He knew that it was not her fault entirely. It was his for not preventing any. He tried contacting her after talking to her, but failed every time. He even had a chat with Peter since he was desperate to know how the girl was doing. Peter told her she was better now, and this somewhat eased Steve's nerves. He promised to himself that it will not happen again, which was why he was now hunting down every single HYDRA agent he could find. 

Oh, and the Bordouz? They were quietly looking after her, keeping in touch with Emma who explained to them the reason why she had been cutting her ties with everyone she was around. Betty was furious when she had found out, and was happy when she handcuffed Sharon Carter for conspiracy against SHIELD and harming a underage girl. Theodore on the other hand waited for Nayara to talk back, because he knew that she needed her space to think. To see and analyze the situation. He knew she will come back eventually. 

While the Avengers went to save the earth from a new threat and Peter swinging by helping around, Nayara carried out with her own routine. Writing what she remembered that happed on the comics, and saving it in a especial place. She did not want to forget what she knew in case it will become helpful some day, which it will eventually. She even took went with Peter, taking some pretty cool shots of him saving the city just to help him out. Peter of course, gave her the full credit when he gave the pictures to the Daily Bulge. 

Now she was standing in front of a bath full of water. The past couple of days she had been trying to learn how to use her powers, really wanting them to use them in the battle front; which Logan told her never to do. 

The girl was able to somewhat to lift up some bubble above the bathtub. As she was about to move them together she heard the door bell ring. For once, Logan was unable to come along with the rest of the X-Men, which meant Nayara was by herself. After the Winter Soldier incident she felt somewhat scare with every single sound she heard. 

She pulled out her phone, looking at who had was at the front of the door. "Loki?" She questioned. She sighed, leaving the bathroom and opening the door for the man. "What are you even doing here?" Nayara asked him. 

The man showed her a ID card, and Nayara took it. Loki closed the door behind him. "Your name isn't James Harrison." Nayara told Loki, before looking up to him. "Is this your new identity? Why  would you get a new identity? Are you staying one earth?" Nayara asked him. 

The now blonde nodded at her. "I have somebody here." Loki told her. 

"Oh, please tell me it isn't me." Nayara told him. She handled the ID back to him. "I'm not going to help you take over Asgard. I think you are smart enough to figure a plan of your own. You are not as brute as your brother." Nayara said to him. Then she regretted it. "I didn't meant it. Your brother is quite amusing. Very good man." Nayara said. 

"You are right on the brute part." Loki told her, putting his ID back in place. "And yes, I do have a girlfriend." Loki told her, answering the question she had previously asked the last time they met.

Nayara looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?" Nayara asked him. "A girlfriend? For real?" She asked confused. 

Loki scoffed at her. "Yes, a girlfriend." Loki told her, taking out his own phone showing a picture to her. "Ironically enough, you were the one who saved her father's life last year. I am starting to think that its your hobby to pick injured people and help them." Loki told her. 

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