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       NAYARA SAT NEXT to Barry with a nice cup of coffee, looking at the blue prints that he had gotten from Lois' rescue mission. "I think Lex Luthor really wants to open portal to other worlds, which is interesting. I mean, I would have never thought he was into that stuff." Nayara said before sipping her cup of coffee once more. 

"Did anything show up in the comics?" Barry asked her.

"No. Or at least, I that I know of." Nayara told him. She stood up pacing around in Allen-West living room. "Maybe...but no...Helena doesn't come into any of this." Nayara said in thought.

"Helena who?" Barry asked her.

Nayara froze from her spot. "Nobody." She said, her voice going slightly higher than usual. "So umm...how are the stuff coming along for the wedding?" Nayara asked, changing the topic.

"You are not changing the topic, Nay." Barry told her.

"I'm not." Nayara said, trying to act all innocent. Iris walked inside the room, holding a set of cupcakes. "May I have some miss future Allen?" Nayara asked sweetly.

Iris laughed, nodding along. "Sure." She said, watching as Nayara took a hold of one.

"Nayara, you are changing the topic." Barry told her, looking at the brunette who was happily eating her snack.

"Iris, I'm not changing the topic, right?" Nayara asked her. Iris nodded, supporting the girl. She had been hearing the conversation from the kitchen and decided to back up the girl even if she knew was a lie just to tease her fiancée.

Barry sighed, shaking his head. A knock caught their attention and Barry was quick to go to open the door. On the other side, Wally stood wearing a nice dress shirt. "Hi, Barry. I'm here to pick up Nayara." He told him.

Nayara walked to the door since she heard her name being mentioned. "For what?" Both Barry and Nayara said at the same time.

"A party." Wally said, smiling brightly at the two.

"I don't think I can go." Nayara said, looking sadly at Wally.

"Yeah, you can." Iris said, coming to the door as well.

"She can?" Barry asked, looking at Iris.

Iris rested her hands on both sides of her hips. "Because she is still a kid and does need to do superhero work all the time." Iris told Barry. "She needs a break from all that machine portal opener talk you two keep researching. It has been almost a month and a half." Iris told him. "Now you Barry can go and do it yourself, because Nayara is going away." Iris added.

"Perfect." Wally said with excitement. "Dick will be there." Wally said to Nayara. At the mention of that Nayara ran away to lock herself in Barry's room. Wally was left standing, frowning slightly. "I wasn't expecting that reaction." He added.

Barry looked at both Iris and Wally. "Who is Dick?" Barry asked them.

"My best friend." Wally said. "I thought they were hitting it quite well back at the coffee shop." Wally added.

Iris was about to walk to go and find Nayara, but Barry stopped her. "I will go." Barry said, walking away from the two of them. Barry knocked softly on the door leaning on the wall right next to it. "Nay, I know you are in there." Barry said to her.

"I can't go to that party." Nayara said from the other side. "Are you alone?" Nayara asked him.

"Yeah." Barry added. Just as he finished talking, the door opened a little bit just for him to enter. Barry entered the room and closed it after him. He took a sit right next to Nayara who had her cheeks bright red. "What happened in the coffee shop?" Barry asked her.

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