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       NAYARA HELPED IRIS with the breakfast. The brunette to forget about Peter and all her troubles and the best way to do that was working. Iris was hummed to a song from the speakers, while Nayara was finishing putting the plate on the table. Both Iris and Barry would be lying if they did not admit that the girl's arrival did not bought an interesting turn in their lives. Iris was happy to have another girl around and Barry was glad to have somebody who knew the dangers of being a superhero and could help him with tactics to fight the villains.


"I will go and get it. It might be Wally." Nayara said, walking to the door. When she opened she was met by the one person she was trying to avoid, Peter Parker. "Pete." Nayara said, looking at him with wide eyes.

Peter looked at Nayara and noticed the leather jacket she was wearing. It seemed familiar but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. "Nayara, hi." Peter said, looking at her in the eyes. He coughed, trying to think of what to say. "Umm...I came here to drop off what Steve gave me. He said you needed to have it. That's why I went looking for you." Peter said to her.

He handled her a letter. Nayara turned it around, recognizing Steve's handwriting. "Did you open it?" Nayara asked him, her eyes tracing the cursive lettering on the back. It had her name on it.

The hero shook his head, looking at Nayara's pained eyes. "I never did. I'm handling it to you just like he gave it to me...before he died." Peter said to her. He hated the fact that he needed to let her know, that he was the one reminding her that her mentor and friend was gone.

Iris walked up to dining room, quickly spotting the missing brunette. The woman then walked to the door to check on the girl. When she did, she saw Nayara talking quietly to Peter. Iris stayed back, thinking it would be best to let the two of them talk and step in when it was necessary.

"There is something else I need to tell you." Peter said to her. Nayara looked up to him, looking at his concerned eyes. "It has to do something with Theodore and Emma." Peter whispered to her. Nayara looked down at the hall before motioning Peter to come in.

She directed him to her room. The brunette closed the door behind Peter before turning her full attention to him. "I came here thanks to Theodore's help, but something happened before I crossed the portal." Peter said to her.

"What was it?" Nayara asked him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The entire thing exploded." Peter told her.

Nayara looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" Nayara asked him.

Peter looked down at the floor. "Before Steve died, he told me to give this to you. And that I need to make sure you were safe. Then I went to find Emma, knowing she probably knew where you were...and then I heard the news about Steve's death." Peter said softly to her.

Nayara hid behind her blank face. However the mention of Steve's death was causing her hands to shake.

Peter sighed, standing shoulder to shoulder with her. "He gave himself up, hoping the fight will end. Then he was shot and...." Peter began but she stopped him.

"And what?" Nayara mumbled under her breath.

"Died on his way to the hospital." Peter whispered to her. Nayara held the letter even tighter to her chest. "He made me promise him that I will give this to you no matter what happened to him. Those were his last words." Peter softly added.

Nayara took his hand, her eyes on the floor. She needed to ground herself to listen to Peter. Peter held her hand tightly, letting her know that he hadn't faced the same fate as Steve.

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