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           NAYARA SIGHED AS she watched Beauty and the Beast. She was about to take another bite of her ice cream when Barry took it away from her. "What are you doing?" Nayara asked him, confused. 

Barry stood in front of her with arms over his chest. "You got to get up and talk to Peter." Barry told her. Nayara shook her head.

"Absolutely no!" Nayara replied. "He clearly is mad at me. I mean he hasn't reply to any of my calls and text this past three days. It is not like he is very busy." Nayara added.

Barry sighed. "Look, you know him well. Don't you?" Barry asked her. Nayara nodded at him. "What would he do if he heard that somebody was from a different world?" Barry asked her.

"He would think it is cool, but that is if they are within this universe...which I aren't." Nayara told him. "And we also have to considered the fact that maybe he might be mad at me for not telling, which is kind of a douche bag move from him because I at least would be very comprehensive if I found out he was Spiderman." Nayara explained to Barry.

"Do you love him?" Barry asked her.

"Why are you asking all these questions, Barry?" Nayara asked him.

"Do you love him?" Barry repeated.

Nayara looked down at the floor. "I do." She mumbled weakly. "But I mean, maybe this is for the best. He can go and be with MJ because I know that the love of his life is her. It's like you and Iris, Clark and Louise, Batman and Catwoman. No matter what happens and no matter the amount of arguments, they fall back together again." Nayara explained to Barry.

"Maybe he doesn't know the full story. Why don't you tell him what happen? Worst that could happen is that he ignores it and continues to be mad at you. So what?" Barry said to Nayara.

She gave him a sad smile "When he first met me I had called him by his real name, because I had just arrived to this world. I didn't know where I was so I had bluntly said that everyone knew his name." Nayara said.

Barry chuckled, shaking his head. "I know you would have said something like that." Barry pointed out.

"And you want to know what I did next? I tried to pull off his mask and in response Peter took me his arms and started to swing me across New York. Then I saw the Avengers' tower and that was how I knew I wasn't where I was supposed to be anymore." Nayara told Barry. "He asked many times to know about me. He even...he even got to the point in which he was concerned by me because he said I was worried all the time. I was worried about the Avengers and at that time the only ones who knew were Emma, then later Steve, but I was afraid to tell anyone because I didn't want to be thought as crazy and left alone." Nayara explained to Barry. "He even said that he was not going to leave me...Peter is not one to leave a promise...but I don't know." Nayara added.

"Talk to him. Tell him." Barry told her. "What if that is for the best? And is he tries something I will run him to the middle of Australia and he wouldn't bother you anymore." Barry added.

"Do you think so?" Nayara asked him again. Barry nodded at him. "I mean, Steve accepted it, but I don't know if Peter is willing to listen." Nayara added.

"You would never know if you never try." Barry told her. "Maybe he is just in shock, and that is why he is not answering. Maybe he is trying to get around it." Barry added. Nayara smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you." Nayara said before pulling away. She stood up from the couch and ran up the stairs.

. . .

Nayara looked at the apartment and sighed. She looked at Barry who was standing next to her. "What is it like? Telling someone you care for the truth. Do you feel like you are going to puke at any minute? That you have pressure on your chest?" Nayara asked Barry.

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