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         NAYARA SAT DOWNon her computer, typing away. She was trying to look for anybody who had the initials 'TT'. She groaned in annoyance, leaning back into the couch. "It's impossible!" She sighed. "How the hell does Batman do it?" Nayara questioned.

"He does." A voice said behind her. Nayara dropped her computer on the floor as she jumped away out of fright. Then she saw it was Wally on his Kid Flash costume. Nayara held her chest, breathing rapidly.

"Don't do that. Please." Nayara said, falling into the floor.

Wally ran to her and looked down at her with a big smile. "You should have seen your face." Wally said, smiling brightly at her. "Are you busy?" Wally asked her. Nayara shook her head. "I need you to come with me." He told her.

"Shouldn't you be in Central City?" Nayara asked him.

"Barry can deal with that. Come on." Wally told her. Nayara sighed, accepting Wally's hand. With the held of Wally she stood up. He took a hold of her arm and before she could ask where they were going he had left.

. . .

Wally stopped at an empty field, near a lake. "What are we doing here?" Nayara asked him.

"Do your Avatar thing." Wally answered. Nayara looked at him confused. "Look, like you clearly have a gift, why don't you use it?" Wally asked her.

Nayara sighed, shaking her head. "Why today?" Nayara asked him. "I'm busy trying to find somebody." Nayara added.

"Who?" Wally asked her.

"Somebody." Nayara told him.

"Alright, so if you defeat me in combat, then I would help you." Wally told her.

Nayara frowned, looking at him. "Something is defently up." She sighed, looking around the field. Wally sighed, speeding up so he stood in front of her. He took out his mask so that Nayara could see his whole face.

"Do you trust me?" Wally asked her.

Nayara cringed at him. "I don't tend to trust people easily, but I trust you." Nayara answered him. Wally then nodded at her. "It's just this is out of your character, Wally. Why today? It is too much of a surprise." Nayara answered him.

Wally sighed, going to punch her and Nayara avoided it. "What's wrong with you?" Nayara asked him, giving him a slight offended look.

"Come on, use your powers against me." Wally told her.

Nayara shook her head. Wally send another punch at her, and she blocked. She quickly turned around and used the skills that Steve told her to put Wally into a headlock. She quickly let go, looking down at Wally.

Wally sighed, using his speed to corner her against a tree. Nayara kicked the back of his leg, and elbow him on the nose. She cringed when she did it. "I'm so sorry, Walls." Nayara whispered to him, kneeling to check his face.

Wally then speed around her. Nayara sighed, getting annoyed by Wally. "That is not going to work, Wally." Nayara told him, seeing him run more and more around her. "What do you want me to do?" Nayara asked him.

Wally stopped in front of her face. "I want you to use your powers." Wally told her.

"Fine, alright?" Nayara told him. "Just stop this nonsense because I really don't want to fight you." Nayara told him, brushing the strands of hair off her face. She walked closer to the water. She gave one last look at Wally from over her shoulder before using her powers.

She closed her eyes, taking deep breath. She opened it and nothing happened. "Where is the water?" Wally asked her, speeding to stand next to her.

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