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          THE ELEGANT PENTHOUSE was something Nayara never expected. It belonged to other than Emma Frost, who after half and hour waiting for the girl had gone to the school ready to use Celebro to find the girl. The girl being smart enough, made her own way back to the private school because she knew that would have been the meeting point if she were to get lost. She had no phone to contact Emma with, so she resolved to that. 

Emma thought that after what the girl had gone through, she decided to take her to her own home. She knew that the girl trusted her enough to follow her, instead of the man who had asked for her back school. The blonde was waiting for the girl calm herself down before pulling a few string to create a new identity for the girl. 

Nayara looked around the penthouse in shock. "You can stay here. I thought you will be more calm here without worrying about the man. His name is Theodore Bordouz. I don't trust him but-" Emma started, but was cut off by Nayara. 

"Charles does. Sorry, I mean Professor X." Nayara told her, correcting herself. 

"Where did you go?" She asked the girl. 

"I got kinnaped by Spiderman and bought to the Avenger's tower. Just because I made a mistake when I came in to this universe. When I met him I thought I was still in my world, and I was about to take the mask off his face in front of everyone. He pulled her off the public eye and I said that I didn't knew what all the fuss was about because everyone knew who he was." Nayara told the woman. 

"But not everyone does. At least not here." Emma told her. Nayara nodded weakly. "And did they do anything to you in the tower? Are you alright?" Emma asked her. 

Nayara shook her head. "I had to resolve in telling my role model and the hero I love with my entire heart that I didn't knew where I was, nor I remember anything about my past. I told them I didn't know where I came from, which was the simple truth. I have no idea how I woke up in a different world." Nayara told Emma. Emma left for the kitchen, which Nayara followed as she continue to talk. "And I told P-Spiderman how to beat the villain he was trying to fight." Nayara told Emma. She accepted the glass of water that the blonde had given her. "And  I have to remind myself not call heroes by their own names. Back in my world, I will call Captain America by his first name. The only time that I will say his full name was when I will get mad at him by doing stupid things that will endager his life." Nayara continue to ramble. 

Emma silently listened to her, listening at the girl who was out of this world. A girl who felt alone, and scare but also excited in this world she knew some much but still felt left out. She was a box of knowledge sealed by just a mere thought of destruction and concern. 

Nayara sighed. "I am sorry you had to hear that." She mumbled. 

"Sometimes we should speak out our thoughts." Emma told her. "You have an advantage that nobody else has." Emma told her. Nayara looked up to her. "You have knowledge that nobody else has. You can predict the future." 

"I can't exactly can. There were too many issue and I haven't read all of them, but I know the people. If there was a Skull invasion I will notice....Well, it will be hard because all of the Skull will have had the same memories that the people they are empersonating would...but they behavior wouldn't be the same and I will be able to distinguish it quickly." Nayara told her with all honesty. She trusted the woman. If she woman were to suddenly return to the Hellfire club, she could care less. She was tired to holding all this thoughts to herself. "I can see the possibilities. Although, they may vary just like the adaptations of the comics. I don't even know in which timeline of events I have landed in." Nayara explained. "It's hard and I feel useless because I can't exactly help them directly. If I do they will be freak out and put my in a plastic jail or something. Or worst and asylum." Nayara told her. 

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