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             BARRY HELPED EMMA put the decorations up in the walls. "Is Kara getting the cake?" Barry asked her.

"If she doesn't eat it first." Emma told Barry, smiling at him. "Where is Nayara, by the way?" Emma asked her.

"Oh Logan said that he was giving her surprise today." Barry told Emma. Emma rolled her eyes. "She is a good kid, you know. She really admires you." Barry told her, as she fixed another decoration.

"And I do admire her as well. She is very brave, and resilient. I don't know what it must feel like ending in another world, with nobody to help you." Emma told Barry, knowing that he now knew the whole story. "Thank you for helping around the house though, and for looking after Nayara." Emma told him.

"She did certainly take the entire thing well so far. I mean, I have been in different earth but within my universe." Barry told Emma. The blonde looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "That sounded weird, huh?" Barry asked her.

Emma raised her hands. "At this point, nothing sounds weird anymore. I got a girl who shoots laser through her eyes, and an another one from a different world living in my house. Then I have seen a man run at very high speed who comes from a different world as well. I'm not surprised anymore." Emma told him. "At this point an alien invasion is something normal." She joked.

"You know, Nayara might be too shy to tell you this to your face, but she does admire you. She is really happy you are in her life and she cares for you." Emma told him. She looked down at her watch. "Where is Kara anyway?" Emma asked him. In return Barry shrugged. 

. . .

Nayara smiled widely as she was raised higher into the sky. "This is awesome. I have always wanted to fly." Nayara said, smiling at Kara who was holding her bridal style. "Thank you for this." Nayara told her.

Nayara had countless times told Kara how she would have loved to fly. Now Kara was granting Nayara her wish by flying her around New York. However, this was short lived when somebody popped in front of them.

"Okay, this isn't safe at all." Tony told them from inside his mask. Nayara frowned at his sight. "I thought you were scared of heights, Nayara." Tony pointed out.

Nayara's frown deepen. "How the hell do you know that?" Nayara asked him. Supergirl tighten her hold on her in case the man in the Iron Man suit tried to take her away from her. "We were just pacing by. Shouldn't you be doing Avenger stuff?" Nayara asked him quickly.

Tony rolled his eyes inside his suit. "Oh, I was, but turns out that when I'm leaving I see Nayara being flown around New York with a person who still haven't reveal itself." Tony said, pointing at Supergirl. The man was indeed about to go to do an Avenger stuff, when he saw the girl. He thought she was in peril, but clearly, she wasn't. Now he clearly had to deal with Steve telling him that Nayara was fine and that this call was pointless.

Before Kara could reply, Nayara was quick to do so. "You see, she is a superhero. Superheroes don't reveal their identity. It's in superhero 101 surviving guide." She sarcastically answered. "Now, you know that the world is not going to safe itself. Right?" Nayara asked him.

Tony held back a comment before Supergirl flew quickly away from him. Tony sighed, watching Nayara go with Supergirl. While she left, Nayara happily waved goodbye at him. "Steve, I have no idea how you have the patience to deal with her. She is a ball of sarcasm." Tony said on his suit.

"Have you met yourself, Tony?" Steve asked him.

"That really hurt my feelings, Rogers." Tony replied back. "Are you sure that I should leave her with that blonde in a red cape?" Tony asked Steve.

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