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      STEVE STOOD TALL inside the Avenger's tower. One in which he did not know he would ever walk inside ever again after the side he took. After all, he was a criminal. If the earth would not be in danger, the civil war before the ones against and for the superhero registration act would have not have ended.

"Have they found a location for Tony yet?" Steve asked Natasha.

The red-haired assassin looked at him. "Nothing. It is like he disappeared from the entire earth." Natasha said to him.

"And he is not the only one. Some people have been reported missing since those things opened from the skies." Maria Hill said to both of them.

"What things?" Steve asked them. It was not known to him what they were talking about since he had not been in the tower when the portals started to open. Instead he was in hiding, avoiding any trouble while he planned the next strike and helped mutants escape their persecution. He knew that these people did not choose to have the powers, they were born with it and just because they were different did not meant they had to persecuted. He started this fight for Nayara, because he knew that if she did in fact return home – something he always hoped for – she would be put in jail or something worst. He did not want that for her. It did not hit him how much this fight meant when he was helping a young girl escape, she was around twelve with big brown eyes just like Nayara had; and just like the girl she was alone in this fight.

Maria Hill pulled up a footage of a portal being opened, and a man falling down from it into their world. Steve remained with a blank face even though on the inside he knew that maybe Nayara was behind that. It was the same light he saw the day she disappeared.

"There has been spotted across the world. We are trying to figure out who was the man who fell from there. He is nowhere to be found." Hill said to him.

"I want every camera looking for that man." Steve told her. "Has anybody seen Banner?" Steve asked them.

"No. Since the incident in the containment cell." Natasha told him. She looked at the blonde who seemed acting strange since he saw the video. "What are you thinking?" Natasha asked him. Steve shrugged at her. "Do you remember when you told me that if it came to protect Nayara you would fight anybody?" Natasha asked Steve.

"I never said it." Steve corrected her.

"You didn't have to." Natasha reminded him. "Maybe she is on the other side of those portals?" Natasha asked him.

"How do you know that?" Steve asked her.

Natasha shrugged. "Maybe it was not Loki, but something else that took her. She isn't right now because she can't go back. From what I have heard, you mean the world to her just as much as she means to you." Natasha added. "I don't understand why you will pick the other side." Natasha added.

"Who do a lot of things for the ones we care for the most." Steve said to her. "Any sight of Thor?" Steve asked her.

"We are still trying to contact him. He is on another planet looking for his brother." Natasha added.

"Alright, then pile up a list of people missing and where they were seen last. Maybe we can get a chance to see through the other side of this portals." Steve told her.

Natasha passed him his shield. "Nice photos." She commented before walking away. Steve sighed, looking at the inside of his shield were there was a photo of Bucky and him, and another right next to it. In the picture Nayara was sitting next to Steve, smiling at the camera.

"I will find you. I promise. Just stay alive for me." Steve mumbled to himself.

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