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           NAYARA WAS DEAD and there was nothing the team could do. Barry Allen looked at the body that was covered by a white blanket. He clenched his jaw, looking down at the bat that had been on Nayara's pocket the entire time.

"Barry," Iris called out, knocking on the door before entering. "Barry come on, it wasn't your fault." Iris whispered to him.

"I failed her." Barry whispered to her, looking up to the body. "I promised her that I will take care of her, and I failed." Barry said as another set of tears fell down his face. He took one last look at the body before leaving the room. On his way outside he found Bruce taking on the phone.

"Are you sure, Alfred? No sight of her parents?" Bruce asked his butler. He was ready to personally go and call them himself to deliver the news. Little did he know that they didn't exist.

Barry held the batarang tightly on his hand, to the point in which his knuckles were turning white. "She doesn't have them." Barry told Bruce. The billionaire turned to look at Barry. "She doesn't have parents. Me and Kara was all she had." Barry added. Barry threw the batarang at Bruce's face, who caught it.

"Barry!" Cisco called out, running towards him. "You got to see the blue prints that Nayara found." Cisco said to him. Barry followed Cisco to the Cortex. "They seemed familiar, then I found out why." Cisco added.

He pulled out some blue prints from his computer. "They look very similar." Barry pointed out.

"Yeah, because they have the same design. The machines of both of these sheets have the same purpose. Of course, Luthor's is different. Maybe it is a prototype, but that means it getting closer and closer to finding the final version." Cisco said to him.

"I don't understand what the problem with that is." Barry told Cisco.

"These blue prints are the ones we used to create our own portal opener. The one you use to go to other earths." Cisco said to him. "And Luthor's is the same thing. I don't know what his plan is though." Cisco added.

Barry sighed, passing a hand through his hair. If only Nayara was here, he thought. He shook his head, trying to remove the memory of Nayara. 

The hero gave him one last look before running away from Star Labs. As he ran, trying to forget everything around him, an idea stuck in his mind. He stopped near a dock, the one Nayara always used to practice at.

He paced around, thinking about his idea. He knew Nayara will be furious if he did what he was about to do. It was something he did only on emergency, and this was one. He could turn back time, right? So, why not turn it back.

Barry, embraced himself before running.

. . .

Barry skipped to a halt, looking around Central City. He flashed away to a newspaper stand, looking for the date and he found it. His plan had worked after all. The brunette ran away to Star Labs, checking the time.

He sighed, seeing that he just arrived right before the Nayara texted him his help. He knew he could not change the events, because it will just create a domino event in the following events. Right now he had in mind just one slight chance: Nayara's fate. But of course, he was not going to tell her anything because if he did, he would never hear the end of Nayara's speech.

. . .

When the time for Barry to intervene, he did so just like he had previously done. Now he was standing opposite to Nayara who was watching him weirdly. Ever since he came to help her he had just watched her with an incredulous look almost – which turned out to be the case – as if he was looking at her as a distant memory.

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