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    NAYARA SLIGHTLY OPENED her eyes, filling her head spin slightly. She put her hand against the floor, feeling the cold concrete floor. Nayara sighed, calmly sitting up. She closed her eyes briefly, feeling slightly groggy.

Illusion smirked, watching as the girl moved around the small glass cell. "I would try to stand up slowly. It would be less nauseous." The woman said, coming closer to the cell.

Nayara frowned hearing the unknown voice. Nayara turned slightly around, watching how Illusion typed something on the edge of the glass cell, letting a small opening. Illusion, passed her a glass of water. "You should drink that." Illusion said to her.

Nayara put her hand up, dismissing the water. "No. Who knows what you put in there? I'm not stupid." Nayara said, looking at Illusion. "You talk?" Nayara asked, looking at her with a confused.

"We need you alive. So, drink the water." Illusion said to her in a harsher tone. Nayara smirked at her, thinking of a slight idea of how to escape. That cup of water was her way out. Nayara quietly approached it, but before she could grasp it, a hand removed it.

Sharon Carter pushed Illusion out of the way. "Are you insane?" Sharon asked her. The raven-haired woman nodded at her.

"Yeah, I'm. But you should look yourself in the mirror more often because you are insane as well." Illusion said to Sharon. Nayara let out a small giggle at the remark. It was good, she had to admit that.

Sharon looked at Illusion, ignoring the young girl. "Look, if you give her this...She will escape." Sharon said before walking away with the glass of water. Nayara looked at Sharon with a small smirk.

"You know...we don't we do an old school fist fight and see who wins? Find an end to all of this." Nayara yelled at Sharon. Sharon sighed, turning to look at her.

"You better shut up before I hurt you. I thought you were done when I found you the first time. But you got back up...this time you wouldn't. I will ensure it." Sharon said to her, coming closer to her cell. "And I will behave because there is not a single lake nor river near here. Neither are your friends. They are busy fighting crime." Sharon said to her.

Nayara sent her a smirk of her own. "You can hurt me all you want, but I will stand up once again. You know what Steve used to say? You get hurt, hurt them back." Nayara said to her, glaring at her. The water in Sharon's glass started to boil. Although, Nayara stopped at the sound of a new voice.

"You seem like a very calm kid. Not that difficult to collect." A voice said behind her. Nayara turned to look at no other than Slade who had a phone in his hand. Nayara glared at him, but inside she feared him. He could end her, especially if he find out that it was her who almost put him in the ICU when he attacked Kara and Clark. If Batman hadn't stepped in to remind her of who she was, she would have crossed that line.

"Well, you know....I'm quite smart so maybe that is why." Nayara replied to Deathstroke, keeping her eyes on him.

Sharon moved around her cell. "Not smarter than Luther." Sharon said to her. Nayara frowned, hearing the name. Illusion gave her a warning look, silently telling her to be quiet. Deathstroke approached Sharon. "What do you want?" Sharon asked him.

Nayara walked closer to the glass. She looked at Deathstroke curiously as he motioned Sharon to step away from the cell. "Luthor told me that you will help me with the extraction and clear the path. That's your job." Deathstroke told her. Sharon sighed looking at him, before patting his arm.

"I will help, just as he keeps his other end of the deal." Sharon said walking away.

Nayara smirked, coming up with a great idea. "You know, you should be careful Deathstroke. She killed her last boyfriend. I will recommend somebody else so you don't end up like him." Nayara yelled from her cell. Sharon held her gun tightly. Nayara smacked her hands on the glass in anger.

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