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       AFTER BEING DROPPED off back in her apartment. Nayara, with the help of Nightwing, put Superman to rest in what was left of the living room. Nayara would have been furious with him, but she still knew that leaving him unconscious in the middle of nowhere was not good. Primarily because he had enemies just like anybody, and if he were to be kidnapped; then all hell will break loose.

Not that Nayara wouldn't mind hell breaking loose, especially now that she had to explain to Kara the mess that was their apartment. She knew that the following morning she will have to seat down and go and find somebody who will fix the broken wall.

The young brunette walked to the bathroom with hesitation, trying not to awake Superman. When she reached the bedroom, she relaxed a little. She locked the door before going to change.

The brunette froze when she saw the big bruise forming at the side she had landed on when Superman first came. A small reminder that she had to think before she acted next time. She opened the shower, letting the water rang.

The brunette sat down next to the sink, closing her eyes. The peace and quiet were broken by the buzzing on her phone. She ignored them.

. . .

Kara opened the door to her apartment after dealing with some stuff from DEO, just to come face with a completely destroyed one. Kara dropped her bag on a hanger next to the door. "Nayara! Nayara!" Kara said with urgency as she walked more inside the apartment, stopping when she saw Clark laying on the couch.

Instead of a warm hello, Kara was greeted by a yelp coming from the bathroom. The blonde knocked the door with urgency. "I'm fine." Nayara said from the inside quickly putting her shirt, covering the bruise that was starting to form.

Nayara had made a wrong move, causing her to feel an immense pain in the bruising side. She did not want to imagine what it will be like the following morning. Kara knocked again the door. "I told you, I'm fine." Nayara said from the door.

She opened the door, seeing Kara. She sighed, pulling the sweater closer to her. "What the hell happened?" Kara asked her, pointing at the living room. "I told you to call if anything happened." Kara reminded her.

"I had it under control." Nayara whispered to her.

"What is your definition of under control?" Kara asked her, raising her voice slightly.

"Just.... don't talk that loud. Please. I don't want Clark to wake up." Nayara said, walking out of the bathroom to go and find the computer. She knelt down, flinching slightly when she had to reach out for the computer that had been in a safe place through all this mess.

"Don't wake him up? Why can't I wake him up?" Kara asked Nayara.

"Because he is pissed off that Lois is gone." Nayara answered her. "He barged in asking for answers which I didn't had. I mean, how would I know what happens to her if I'm here in National City and not in Metropolis?" Nayara asked Kara. The brunette picked up the card and looked at it. "Joker recites in Gotham not here. This isn't my mess to fix." Nayara whispered to herself as she tried to run facial recognition for Lois Lane.

Kara shook her head, taking the computer away from Nayara. "Talk to me, Nayara." Kara told her. Nayara tried reaching out for the computer but was stopped by Kara flying a little bit more up, not letting Nayara get it. She could have tried reaching up, but that would have hurt her and she really didn't want Kara to know of her injury.

"Tell me." Kara demanded.

"Clark is looking for Lois Lane. She went missing." Nayara said to her.

"What happened to the wall?" Kara asked her.

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