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            NAYARA BOUGHT HER bag down the last step of the train. Her phone was buzzing non-stop as she knew that Kara was just making sure that she had arrived well at Central City. Nayara looked around at the calm train station.

As she was about to go near the exit, the chaos started. A man had frozen one person and was shamelessly asking for money. Nayara took cover, seeing the man who she knew was for sure not Mr. Freeze but Captain Cold. In a flash, the red speedster appearing glaring at the said villain.

Nayara sighed, looking at the frozen man as she clenched her fist. "Come on, what are you-" The Flash stopped when he saw the ice melt around the man. Nayara smiled a little, happy that her powers had worked a little bit. She then moved her hand, moving the melted ice into Captain Cold's face. Nayara held back a laugh as people were half amused by this.

Nayara then tried to move, motioning some people to leave while the villain was distracted. However, Nayara's joke had failed because now Captain Cold was a little bit angrier. He took out his gun and smirked at Flash. "Let's see if you have gone a little rusty since you left." Captain Cold said before pointing randomly.

In one of the shots, the ice was coming Nayara way. She silently thanked that Barry had moved her out of the way quicker. "Thank you." Nayara smiling at Barry. "I'm fine, I will wait here. Now go." She told him before he flashed away.

Nayara looked around the corner seeing how the ice ray was about to hit Barry when he was helping the people. "Please, work now more than ever." Nayara whispered to herself. She focused on the ray and prayed that it would not hit Barry. When she opened her eyes she saw how the ice ray never hit Barry as it tried to rapidly hit him. Captain Cold thought his gun was broken, unaware of the young hero that was hiding.

An invisible protective field seemed to form around the scarlet speedster. The ice ray disappeared a few inches away from him and melted. Flash took this opportunity to hit Captain Cold on his face, before taking him away from the scene. Nayara smiled brightly, knowing that her plan had worked.

The brunette had walked closer to the exit and took a seat in one of the benches. She looked down at her watch, before she felt the wind heat hit her face. She looked up and saw Barry stomping his feet on the group as he tried to get rib of the fire.

Barry smiled at her. "Are you sure you are alright?" Barry asked her as he helped her with her bag.

Nayara nodded at him as she walked beside him. "I got saved by the Flash." She joked. Barry shook his head.

"Did you saw what happened there?" Barry asked her, nodding at the direction of the man that was being taken care of. "The ice melted. It never does that. It shouldn't." He told her.

Nayara shrugged at him. "I had no idea." Nayara answered him. "Maybe his gun was broken or something." Nayara told him, not looking at him.

Barry did not answer. Nayara followed him to an alley, where he motioned for her to take his arm. "You know, if it weren't you. I wouldn't have followed you to the alley." She said, getting ready for Barry to use his super speed. Nayara closed her eyes, feeling her hair hit her face before she opened them again. This time, she was inside the apartment of Barry and Iris.

"It is lovely." Nayara said, looking at the cozy apartment. "Is Iris home, I have been dying to meet her." Nayara said, walking towards a picture of Barry and Iris.

Barry chuckled, watching how the girl acted like a hyper puppy. "No, actually. She left this morning. She got a job trip to go to. She was really excited." Barry told her.

Nayara turned to look at him. "Have you told her, about me being from a different world? Because I really don't mind, you know. It's Iris West. Kara lied didn't told her sister about me, which I'm fine with. She knew that it wasn't her part to tell. But I did met Superman, came out with a great nick name for him." Nayara said, as she shuffled hesitantly around the apartment. "You know, I don't get why people complain about Gotham. You know, I found deadlier meta-humans than just your typical joker. Get it? Because of Joker. No, okay." Nayara said, her voice fading as she knew the joke was not that good.

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