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            BARRY SAT QUIETLY next to the medical bed where the young brunette laid. There cuts on her face and a few parts of her arms were covered. His eyes were following slowly asleep, due to his endless nights staying late saving the city while still looking after Nayara.

A hand on his shoulder made him jump, but he calmed when he saw it was his fiancée Iris West. "Hey." Iris said, pulling a chair to seat next to him. Barry took her hand in his, smiling at it. "I can take the next shift if you want to? I know what it feels to just be waiting for someone to wake up." Iris added. "And you got to be awake in two days there will be an inspector coming in because apparently they don't know what caused the explosion." Iris added.

"I told Joe that the investigation will be kept in doors for now." Barry told Iris. "I don't know how to tell her, Iris." Barry said, looking at Nayara.

"Tell her what?" Iris asked her.

"That she stuck here with us. It took months, almost a year for me and Cisco to build the bridge. Everything I worked out, all the calculations for her world where at the other side of the portal. How am I going to tell her that she can't get back to her home? That she is stuck here." Barry explained to Iris.

"But that is not what is worrying you, is it?" Iris asked him. "Do you think the woman was working with somebody else?" Iris asked him.

"No. It's...It's just that she...ummm.... she lost somebody really important to her and got her heart broken just in a span of two days." Barry explained. "I'm just worry about her, that's all." Barry added.

Iris looked to the side, seeing Bruce Wayne waiting outside the glass doors. "I think you have a visitor." Iris said to Barry, pointing at the direction where Bruce Wayne was. Barry sighed, standing up from the chair before making his way to where Bruce was.

"Hi." Bruce said, looking at Barry.

The speedster put his hands in his pockets as he looked at Bruce. "Why are you here?" Barry asked him.

Bruce nodded towards Nayara's body. "She needs a real doctor. She needs a real hospital, Barry." Bruce said to him.

Barry shook his head. "I am not talking her to a real hospital. If I do then they will question what happened to her. How I am exactly going to explain to the police that a woman from a different world caused all this?" Barry asked him.

"She needs a doctor." Bruce said to him. "And from what I have heard there is already an investigation going in Star Labs. I don't think there would be much of a change." Bruce added.

"You don't understand." Barry said to him. Barry passed his hand over his face, thinking of what he could tell Bruce without damaging Nayara's secret. "I-It's complicated....She is better staying here." Barry told him.

Bruce's eyes caught sight of a photo near a desk, which had Barry and Nayara together. "They wouldn't be asking." Bruce said to Barry.

"Why would you say that?" Barry asked him.

"Because I already bought the hospital that in twenty-minute walk from here. It's the best in Central City and Wayne Industries will be covering the insurance." Bruce explained to him. Barry sighed, not surprised of Bruce's words.

"Alright." Barry said, looking at him. "But...ummm...there might be a problem." Barry added.

"Which is?" Bruce asked him.

"Her blood is mutated. That's what give her powers. If somebody finds that, she will be in great danger." Barry explained. Bruce nodded at him.

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