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    NAYARA LOVED ANIMALS, she thought they were cool. However, never in her life she would have thought that she will moved into a farm. Not just any farm but the Kent Farm. Nayara still believed this was an awful idea because she knew that Lex Luthor probably already knows its location. If he didn't, he probably wasn't as smart as she thought of. He was Superman's nemesis after all.

Nayara knew Bruce was trying his best to protect her. As for Barry, he thought it was a wonderful idea. He had tried everything to keep her safe in Central City and it didn't work. He had ran out of options at this point he will do anything that they haven't tried before. Now all he hoped was that she will kept saved in Kent Farm. What can happen in a small town? Right?

Nayara looked at Bruce Wayne from the co-pilot seat of the car "This is an awful idea. You are literally putting an arrow on top of my head that says here I am!" Nayara told Bruce. Bruce continued to drive towards the Kent's house, which was already on sight.

Nayara hadn't said anything on their whole trip here, but now she was clearly admitting her concerns to him. "This is so bad. Like really bad. Bruce, it's such a bad idea. Please tell you have a better one?" Nayara added to him.

"Is because it's a farm?" Bruce asked her, looking over at the hero who looked like she wanted to jump out of the car.

"No." Nayara sighed. "It's because this is where Clark Kent's family lives! Who happens to be Superman, the man Lex has swore to kill." Nayara stated as a matter of fact.

Bruce looked at the girl who knew Superman's identity. "I don't think this is the right moment for me to stay on the Kent farm. Plus, I don't even think Clark likes me at all. What if he told his mother about me calling him Laser Eyes?" Nayara told Bruce. The nick name made Bruce smile, and it was clear to her he tried to hide the chuckle that was about to escape.

"Bruce, please get to Gotham...I can't stay here. It's bad. Like really, really bad. What if something happens and you can't come here because too far off the city? Where do I hide?" Nayara said in panicked as she continued to ramble. But soon stopped when Bruce parked the car.

The young brunette looked at her hero with slight hesitation. Then she knew that Bruce would not have dropped her off without assessing the risks first. It was out of character for him. So with that in mind she accepted her fate once more.

Nayara opened the door and got her bag from the back seat. She eyed the farm carefully, while Bruce waited for her to knock the front door. She had always managed more or less on her own. She had figured out a way to survive in Marvel by herself and so she will do the same here.

The brunette put on her central city cap that Cisco had given her. It had the Flash symbol on it. Then she looked at Bruce from over the shoulder. "So I just ring the doorbell?" Nayara asked him curiously. Bruce nodded at her. She straighten her hold on the bag before marching to the front porch.

Ding Dong!

Nayara waited quietly, but there was no answer. She quickly turned to Bruce. "Guess nobody is home." Nayara said to him. Then she accepted the Batglare that he was giving her. Once again, she rang the door bell.

A few minutes passed before the door opened, revealing the elder woman who raised Clark Kent. The brunette sighed, realizing that she should have listened to her father when he asked her to read the Superman comics. At least she would have been prepared to meet her. Because if she had, she wouldn't be walking into the home of a woman she didn't know.

Nayara shook the woman's hand. "Hi. I am Nayara." Nayara said.

"I am Martha Kent." Martha told her with a gentle smile, which Nayara returned. "You must be a friend of Clark's." Martha said to her. Nayara nodded at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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