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      NAYARA WAS HELPED by Wally to carry the coffees inside Star Labs. She would be lying to herself if she said that Wally was not fun at all. She does not think she had laughed as often as she has now, and that was saying something. Especially since she lived with Kara tighten to the hip for a couple of weeks.

Nayara walked to Cisco who was designing a new suit. Nayara looked over his shoulder. "I'm not questioning your super-superhero-suit skills, but I believe that you just live the iconic lightning bolt. I like the white in the middle of the circle, makes it pop the symbol more." Nayara said. "I think you should make it bullet proof just in case. You never know. I know Barry has super healing and all, but what harm can that do? Does it have a heating system? I mean what if he fights Captain Cold again?" Nayara questioned Cisco.

Cisco looked up to Nayara but knew her points were fair. She handed him a cup of coffee. "That is not a bad idea." Cisco said.

"Did you know that Batman's cape is fire proof, and bullet proof as well. That is very smart." Nayara said, smiling at Cisco. "You know, I love your designs." She quickly added.

"Thank you." Cisco said, smiling up to her.

"Umm...excuse me. I'm looking for Nayara." A well-known voice said behind Nayara. Nayara looked up to see Kara. A big smile spread on the brunette's face. She ran and hugged Kara tightly. Kara lifted up to the floor laughing at the young girl's excitement.

"Hey. How did you find me?" Nayara asked her.

"Barry told me where you were." Kara said to her, as she fixed her glasses. "How you doing Cisco?" Kara asked him, and he waved at her. "I need to talk to you privately." Kara said, and Nayara nodded following her out.

"Hey," Nayara said, smiling at Kara. However, the blonde did not return the smile. "What's wrong?" Nayara asked her.

"Batman has been looking for you. Manhunter saw him looking for you. He couldn't find anything." Kara told her.

"Knowing him he probably had found it by now." Nayara said in thought. "I know why it was. Barry took me to see Mount Justice for myself, and when he left for just a few minutes. Then...I...umm encountered Batman. I touched his arm to make sure he was real and then ran away in panic." Nayara confessed to Kara.

"Barry." Kara groaned in annoyance. "I told him not to take you." Kara mumbled. Nayara looked at her confused. "Just so that you would be okay here without any trouble. Turns out it all failed you know." Kara explained.

"I know who he is." Nayara whispered to Kara. "I mean, I froze. I couldn't believe he was standing in front of me. And let me tell you I didn't embarrassed myself because I held my tongue." Nayara added. "Maybe I should go back. Just...just for a while." Nayara said in thought.

"Nayara, there is a war going on. It is not going to solve in just a few days. If Emma was willing to let you go, it must have been as a last resort." Kara noted.

"What if I know which war is going on? What would happen to Steve?" Nayara asked Kara.

"He survived a lot of decades before you came into the picture." Kara told her. "and shouldn't you had solved it already? I mean, Sharon is not with him anymore." Kara said to her.

"That wouldn't stop HYDRA from killing him." Nayara replied. Nayara sighed. "It's fine. I am going to go and get some food. Get my head around all of it. I need time alone." Nayara told Kara.

"I'm just trying to warn you. I want to protect you. You are my best friend and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." Kara confessed.

"I know." Nayara whispered, walking away. Kara sighed, watching her go.

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