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         NAYARA SMILED AT Peter as he walked her back to her apartment. "I'm sorry I couldn't go to your birthday party. I had Avenger stuff to get to." Peter said, apologizing for the tenth time that afternoon.

"I'm dating a superhero. I know you got to go and safe the world. I'm not expecting you to be always here. I know people need you Peter." Nayara told him as she opened the door to her apartment. Peter tripped on something on the floor. "Something didn't catch your spidey senses?" Nayara asked him.

"You got a present." Peter her. "And it isn't from me." Peter added. Nayara took it, frowning at the cursive handwriting.

The girl walked to the couch and opened it. She frowned when she saw the ancient book. It looked like it was taken out of a fairy tale. She opened the lock and watched at the emblems in the book. "What type of language is this?" Nayara asked to herself.

"An ancient Asgardian dialect." Somebody said behind her. Nayara jumped out of the couch and looked at Peter.

"What did you just say?" Nayara asked him.

"I didn't say anything." Peter told her. Nayara sighed, looking how pages fell out of the book. Peter helped her get some of them. "This are in English." Peter told her.

Nayara looked at the handwriting. Translation, she thought. Sirens started to blast near her home, signaling trouble. "Go spidey-boy. I would figure this out." Nayara told him, sending him an encouraging smile. Peter walked to her and gave her a small peck on the cheek.

"I will be back to help you, I promise." He said before running out of her apartment.

"I'm surprised you got scared." Loki said, coming into view.

"You freaked me out. I bet pranking Thor is pretty awesome with those powers." Nayara said, smiling at Loki. "What is this?" She asked him.

He walked to where she was sitting on the floor. "Magic." He told her.

"You gave me an actual magic book, written in ancient latin. You are kidding?" Nayara asked him.

"No. That is why I took the time to write down the translations for you." Loki told her, nodding towards the papers.

"I have no magic whatsoever." Nayara told him. "So, what do I need a wand or something? A hat maybe?" Nayara asked him.

Loki rolled his eyes at her. "You are very humorous today, Nayara." Loki told her. "Well, I thought it would be good to-" He stopped midsentence, hearing somebody come from where he was.

"Somebody at the door or something?" Nayara asked him. Loki's face turned blank. "Are you being possessed? I didn't know gods could get possessed." Nayara told him, quickly standing up.

"Bye. Don't tell anyone about this." Loki said before he disappeared in thin hair. Nayara frowned, picking up the pieces of paper quickly.

Nayara's phone buzzed loudly. "Hello?" Nayara asked the caller.

"It's Steve. I'm running late for practice. I'm just warning you, okay? We are taking longer than expected." Steve said through the phone. Then she heard an explosion and a woman scream.

"Are you okay?" Nayara asked, hearing the screams of a man. "Alright, return to your duty. I will be here fine." Nayara told Steve, before hanging up the phone call.

. . .

Nayara walked her motorcycle near the training room since Steve had told her that he was going to teach her how to use it. However, she stopped when she saw the man being carried inside the Avenger's tower.

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